Shǐtúxíngzhuàn 10:26

26 Bǐdé què lá tā shuō , wǒ yĕ shì rén .

Shǐtúxíngzhuàn 10:26 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 10:26

But Peter took him up
As he lay at his feet, and lifted him up and set him on his legs:

saying, stand up;
and continue in this posture:

I myself also am a man;
a mortal man, a man of like passions with others, no better than others by nature: and it was by grace, and not any merit of his own, that he was a believer in Christ, and an apostle of his; and therefore he chose not to have any distinguishing homage and respect paid to him, and especially in any excessive and extravagant way; which though not designed, might carry in it a suggestion, as if he was more than a man.

Shǐtúxíngzhuàn 10:26 In-Context

24 Cì rì qǐshēn hé tāmen tóng qù , hái yǒu yuē pà de jǐ gè dìxiōng tóng zhe tā qù . yòu cì rì , tāmen jìnrù Gāisālíyà . gē ní liú yǐjing qǐng le tāde qīnshǔ mì yǒu , dĕnghòu tāmen .
25 Bǐdé yī jìn qù , gē ní liú jiù yíngjiē tā , fǔfú zaì tā jiǎo qián baì tā .
26 Bǐdé què lá tā shuō , wǒ yĕ shì rén .
27 Bǐdé hé tā shuō zhe huà jìn qù , jiàn yǒu hǎoxiē rén zaì nàli jùjí ,
28 Jiù duì tāmen shuō , nǐmen zhīdào Yóutaìrén , hé bié guó de rén qīnjìn wǎng lái , bĕn shì bú hé lì de . dàn shén yǐjing zhǐshì wǒ , wúlùn shénme rén , dōu bùnéng kàn zuò sú ér bù jiéjìng de .
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