使徒行传 16:23

23 打 了 许 多 棍 , 便 将 他 们 下 在 监 里 , 嘱 咐 禁 卒 严 紧 看 守 。

Images for 使徒行传 16:23

使徒行传 16:23 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 16:23

And when they had laid many stripes upon them
Even above measure, as in ( 2 Corinthians 11:35 ) . They cast them into prison;
designing doubtless to inflict some greater punishment upon them, after they had further examined into their affairs: charging the jailer to keep them safely;
suggesting, that he must be answerable for them, should they escape, either through his favour or his negligence; and they might rather give this strict charge, because they perceived that they were uncommon men, possessed of a strange power, which they had exerted in the casting out of the evil spirit, which might come to their knowledge by some means or other; they might look upon them to be a sort of magicians, and therefore were to be narrowly watched, that they did not make use of their art to deliver themselves; however, they judged it necessary to use all the precautions they could, to secure them: some have thought this jailer to be the same with Stephanas, ( 1 Corinthians 1:16 ) but this is not certain, nor very probable.

使徒行传 16:23 In-Context

21 传 我 们 罗 马 人 所 不 可 受 不 可 行 的 规 矩 。
22 众 人 就 一 同 起 来 攻 击 他 们 。 官 长 吩 咐 剥 了 他 们 的 衣 裳 , 用 棍 打 ;
23 打 了 许 多 棍 , 便 将 他 们 下 在 监 里 , 嘱 咐 禁 卒 严 紧 看 守 。
24 禁 卒 领 了 这 样 的 命 , 就 把 他 们 下 在 内 监 里 , 两 脚 上 了 木 狗 。
25 约 在 半 夜 , 保 罗 和 西 拉 祷 告 , 唱 诗 赞 美 神 , 众 囚 犯 也 侧 耳 而 听 。
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