1 Korinther 10:19

19 Was sage ich nun? Daß das einem Götzen Geopferte etwas sei? Oder daß ein Götzenbild etwas sei?

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1 Korinther 10:19 Meaning and Commentary

1 Corinthians 10:19

What say I then?
&c.] Or may be objected to, or inferred from, what I say;

that an idol is anything, or that which is sacrificed to idols is
to which must be answered, as the Syriac version reads, (al) , "no", by no means; by running the parallel between Christians having communion with the body and blood of Christ, in the Lord's supper, through eating the bread and drinking the wine, the Israelites partaking of the altar, by eating of the sacrifices of it, and men's joining with idols and idolaters, by eating things sacrificed to idols; it follows not that an idol has anything of deity in it, and is to be set upon a level with God, when, as he had said before, an idol was nothing, and what he now said did not at all contradict that; or that things offered to idols are to be had in the same account, or to be equalled to, or be thought to have any thing in them, as the elements of the bread and wine in the Lord's supper, or the sacrifices that were offered by the Israelites on the altar, according to the divine command; he meant no such thing, but only argued from the greater to the lesser, and his sense is more fully declared in the next words.

1 Korinther 10:19 In-Context

17 Denn ein Brot, ein Leib sind wir, die Vielen, denn wir alle nehmen teil an dem einen Brote.
18 Sehet auf Israel nach dem Fleische. Sind nicht die, welche die Schlachtopfer essen, in Gemeinschaft mit dem Altar?
19 Was sage ich nun? Daß das einem Götzen Geopferte etwas sei? Oder daß ein Götzenbild etwas sei?
20 Sondern daß das, was die Nationen opfern, sie den Dämonen opfern und nicht Gott. Ich will aber nicht, daß ihr Gemeinschaft habt mit den Dämonen.
21 Ihr könnt nicht des Herrn Kelch trinken und der Dämonen Kelch; ihr könnt nicht des Herrn Tisches teilhaftig sein und des Dämonentisches.
The Elberfelder Bible is in the public domain.