1 Korinther 15:56

56 Der Stachel des Todes aber ist die Sünde, die Kraft der Sünde aber das Gesetz.

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1 Korinther 15:56 Meaning and Commentary

1 Corinthians 15:56

The sting of death is sin
Death has a sting, and which was originally in it, and that is sin; sin is the cause of death, it is what has given rise and being to it; it entered into the world by it, and is supported in its empire through it; it gives it its resistless power, which reaches to all sorts of persons, young and old, rich and poor, high and low, bond and free; it gives it all its bitterness, agonies, and miseries; and it is by that it does all the hurt and mischief it does; and it may fitly be compared to a sting, for its poisonous and venomous nature:

and the strength of sin is the law;
not that the law of God is sinful, or encourages sin: it forbids it under the severest penalty; but was there no law there would be no sin, nor imputation of it; sin is a transgression of the law: moreover, the strength of sin, its evil nature, and all the dreadful aggravations of it, and sad consequences upon it, are discovered and made known by the law; and also the strength of it is drawn out by it, through the corruption of human nature; which is irritated and provoked the more to sin, through the law's prohibition of it; and this is not the fault of the law, but is owing to the vitiosity of nature; which the more it is forbidden anything, the more desirous it is of it; to which may be added, that sin is the more exceeding sinful, being committed against a known law, and that of the great lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy; whose legislative power and authority are slighted and trampled upon by it, which makes the transgression the more heinous; it is the law which binds sin upon a man's conscience, accuses him of it, pronounces him guilty, curses, condemns, and adjudges him to death for it.

1 Korinther 15:56 In-Context

54 Wenn aber dieses Verwesliche Unverweslichkeit anziehen und dieses Sterbliche Unsterblichkeit anziehen wird, dann wird das Wort erfüllt werden, das geschrieben steht: "Verschlungen ist der Tod in Sieg".
55 "Wo ist, o Tod, dein Stachel? Wo ist, o Tod, dein Sieg?"
56 Der Stachel des Todes aber ist die Sünde, die Kraft der Sünde aber das Gesetz.
57 Gott aber sei Dank, der uns den Sieg gibt durch unseren Herrn Jesus Christus!
58 Daher, meine geliebten Brüder, seid fest, unbeweglich, allezeit überströmend in dem Werke des Herrn, da ihr wisset, daß eure Mühe nicht vergeblich ist im Herrn.
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