1 Thessalonicher 4

1 Übrigens nun, Brüder, bitten und ermahnen wir euch in dem Herrn Jesus, wie ihr von uns empfangen habt, in welcher Weise ihr wandeln und Gott gefallen sollt, wie ihr auch wandelt, daß ihr reichlicher zunehmet.
2 Denn ihr wisset, welche Gebote wir euch gegeben haben durch den Herrn Jesus.
3 Denn dies ist Gottes Wille: eure Heiligkeit, daß ihr euch der Hurerei enthaltet,
4 daß ein jeder von euch sein eigenes Gefäß in Heiligkeit und Ehrbarkeit zu besitzen wisse,
5 nicht in Leidenschaft der Lust, wie auch die Nationen, die Gott nicht kennen;
6 daß er seinen Bruder nicht übersehe noch hintergehe in der Sache, weil der Herr Rächer ist über dies alles, wie wir euch auch zuvor gesagt und ernstlich bezeugt haben.
7 Denn Gott hat uns nicht zur Unreinigkeit berufen, sondern in Heiligkeit.
8 Deshalb nun, wer dies verachtet, verachtet nicht einen Menschen, sondern Gott, der euch auch seinen Heiligen Geist gegeben hat.
9 Was aber die Bruderliebe betrifft, so habt ihr nicht nötig, daß wir euch schreiben, denn ihr selbst seid von Gott gelehrt, einander zu lieben;
10 denn das tut ihr auch gegen alle Brüder, die in ganz Macedonien sind. Wir ermahnen euch aber, Brüder, reichlicher zuzunehmen
11 und euch zu beeifern, still zu sein und eure eigenen Geschäfte zu tun und mit euren eigenen Händen zu arbeiten, so wie wir euch geboten haben,
12 auf daß ihr ehrbarlich wandelt gegen die, welche draußen sind, und niemandes bedürfet.
13 Wir wollen aber nicht, Brüder, daß ihr, was die Entschlafenen betrifft, unkundig seid, auf daß ihr euch nicht betrübet wie auch die übrigen, die keine Hoffnung haben.
14 Denn wenn wir glauben, daß Jesus gestorben und auferstanden ist, also wird auch Gott die durch Jesum Entschlafenen mit ihm bringen.
15 (Denn dieses sagen wir euch im Worte des Herrn, daß wir, die Lebenden, die übrigbleiben bis zur Ankunft des Herrn, den Entschlafenen keineswegs zuvorkommen werden.
16 Denn der Herr selbst wird mit gebietendem Zuruf, mit der Stimme eines Erzengels und mit der Posaune Gottes herniederkommen vom Himmel, und die Toten in Christo werden zuerst auferstehen;
17 danach werden wir, die Lebenden, die übrigbleiben, zugleich mit ihnen entrückt werden in Wolken dem Herrn entgegen in die Luft; und also werden wir allezeit bei dem Herrn sein.
18 So ermuntert nun einander mit diesen Worten.)

1 Thessalonicher 4 Commentary

Chapter 4

Exhortations to purity and holiness. (1-8) To brotherly love, peaceable behaviour, and diligence. (9-12) Not to sorrow unduly for the death of godly relations and friends, considering the glorious resurrection of their bodies at Christ's second coming. (13-18)

Verses 1-8 To abide in the faith of the gospel is not enough, we must abound in the work of faith. The rule according to which all ought to walk and act, is the commandments given by the Lord Jesus Christ. Sanctification, in the renewal of their souls under the influences of the Holy Spirit, and attention to appointed duties, constituted the will of God respecting them. In aspiring after this renewal of the soul unto holiness, strict restraint must be put upon the appetites and senses of the body, and on the thoughts and inclinations of the will, which lead to wrong uses of them. The Lord calls none into his family to live unholy lives, but that they may be taught and enabled to walk before him in holiness. Some make light of the precepts of holiness, because they hear them from men; but they are God's commands, and to break them is to despise God.

Verses 9-12 We should notice in others what is good, to their praise, that we may engage them to abound therein more and more. All who are savingly taught of God, are taught to love one another. The teaching of the Spirit exceeds the teachings of men; and men's teaching is vain and useless, unless God teach. Those remarkable for this or any other grace, need to increase therein, as well as to persevere to the end. It is very desirable to have a calm and quiet temper, and to be of a peaceable and quiet behaviour. Satan is busy to trouble us; and we have in our hearts what disposes us to be unquiet; therefore let us study to be quiet. Those who are busy-bodies, meddling in other men's matters, have little quiet in their own minds, and cause great disturbances among their neighbours. They seldom mind the other exhortation, to be diligent in their own calling, to work with their own hands. Christianity does not take us from the work and duty of our particular callings, but teaches us to be diligent therein. People often by slothfulness reduce themselves to great straits, and are liable to many wants; while such as are diligent in their own business, earn their own bread, and have great pleasure in so doing.

Verses 13-18 Here is comfort for the relations and friends of those who die in the Lord. Grief for the death of friends is lawful; we may weep for our own loss, though it may be their gain. Christianity does not forbid, and grace does not do away, our natural affections. Yet we must not be excessive in our sorrows; this is too much like those who have no hope of a better life. Death is an unknown thing, and we know little about the state after death; yet the doctrines of the resurrection and the second coming of Christ, are a remedy against the fear of death, and undue sorrow for the death of our Christian friends; and of these doctrines we have full assurance. It will be some happiness that all the saints shall meet, and remain together for ever; but the principal happiness of heaven is to be with the Lord, to see him, live with him, and enjoy him for ever. We should support one another in times sorrow; not deaden one another's spirits, or weaken one another's hands. And this may be done by the many lessons to be learned from the resurrection of the dead, and the second coming of Christ. What! comfort a man by telling him he is going to appear before the judgment-seat of God! Who can feel comfort from those words? That man alone with whose spirit the Spirit of God bears witness that his sins are blotted out, and the thoughts of whose heart are purified by the Holy Spirit, so that he can love God, and worthily magnify his name. We are not in a safe state unless it is thus with us, or we are desiring to be so.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter the apostle proceeds to exhort in general to the performance of good works, particularly to purity of life, to brotherly love, to quietness, diligence, and industry in the several callings of life, and not to mourn in an excessive and immoderate manner for deceased friends; which leads him to say some things concerning the second coming of Christ, and the resurrection of the dead. The general exhortation to holiness is in 1Th 4:1-3 which is pressed in a way of entreaty for the sake of Christ; and the duties urged to were the commandments of Christ, and which the apostles had given them, and they had received, and were well acquainted with; and besides, a walk according to these commands was well pleasing to God, and sanctification in general was his will: and in particular the apostle exhorts to abstain from fornication, and all uncleanness; since it is a dishonouring the body of man; acting the part of the ignorant Gentiles that know not God; a defrauding another man, as is uncleanness with another man's wife; the vengeance of God will light on such; it is contrary to that calling with which the saints are called, that being to holiness, and not uncleanness; and to despise this exhortation, is casting contempt, not upon man, but God himself, 1Th 4:4-8. Brotherly love is the next thing exhorted to, which seemed needless to write about, since, in regeneration, these saints were taught to exercise it, and had exercised it towards all the brethren throughout Macedonia, though it was necessary to exhort them to abound more and more in it, 1Th 4:9,10 and to study peace and quietness, and be industrious in their business, that so they might live an honest life among their carnal neighbours, and not be in want of anything from them, 1Th 4:11,12 and whereas some of them had lost some of their dear friends and relations by death, and were ready to exceed due bounds in their sorrow for them, he dehorts from such immoderate sorrow, as being like that of those that had no hope of a resurrection from the dead; whereas, seeing it was an article of their faith, that Christ was risen from the dead, they might assure themselves that those that sleep in him shall be brought along with him when he shall appear a second time, 1Th 4:13,14 which will not be prevented by those that are alive when Christ comes; for as they will be changed, the dead in Christ will be raised at his coming; which coming of his will be in person, from heaven, with a shout, the voice of the archangel, and trump of God; and then both shall be caught up together to meet him in the air, and be for ever with him; and therefore they had no need to sorrow as others, since they should meet again, and never part more, and with which words they should comfort one another under their present loss, 1Th 4:15-18.

1 Thessalonicher 4 Commentaries

The Elberfelder Bible is in the public domain.