1 Timotheus 3:13

13 denn die, welche wohl gedient haben, erwerben sich eine schöne Stufe und viel Freimütigkeit im Glauben, der in Christo Jesu ist.

1 Timotheus 3:13 Meaning and Commentary

1 Timothy 3:13

For they that have used the office of a deacon well
With diligence and faithfulness, with simplicity and cheerfulness; taking good care of the minister and poor, and of the discipline of God's house:

purchase to themselves a good degree;
not an higher office, as that of presbytery or episcopacy, which is a sense calculated to serve a hierarchy; nor a degree in glory and happiness hereafter; but rather an increase of gifts and grace; or a degree of respect and honour in the church: or the sense is, they possess and enjoy, which is the meaning of the word rendered "purchase", a very honourable office in the church; and which is so to them, they using it well, and discharging it in an honourable manner; unless the apostle should design what the Jews called (atwnmyhmd agrd) , "a degree of faith": F2 but that is expressed in the next clause:

and great boldness in the faith, which is in Christ Jesus:
either in the exercise of the grace of faith at the throne of grace; or in asserting the doctrine of faith before men; and in reproving either for error or immorality: all which may be boldly done by those who use this office well.


F2 Zohar in Exod. fol. 36. 3.

1 Timotheus 3:13 In-Context

11 Die Weiber desgleichen, würdig, nicht verleumderisch, nüchtern, treu in allem.
12 Die Diener seien eines Weibes Mann, die ihren Kindern und den eigenen Häusern wohl vorstehen;
13 denn die, welche wohl gedient haben, erwerben sich eine schöne Stufe und viel Freimütigkeit im Glauben, der in Christo Jesu ist.
14 Dieses schreibe ich dir in der Hoffnung, bald zu dir zu kommen;
15 wenn ich aber zögere, auf daß du wissest, wie man sich verhalten soll im Hause Gottes, welches die Versammlung des lebendigen Gottes ist, der Pfeiler und die Grundfeste der Wahrheit.

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