Apostelgeschichte 18:24

24 Ein gewisser Jude aber, mit Namen Apollos, aus Alexandrien gebürtig, ein beredter Mann, der mächtig war in den Schriften, kam nach Ephesus.

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Apostelgeschichte 18:24 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 18:24

And a certain Jew named Apollos
Who by some is thought to be the same with Apelles, ( Romans 16:10 ) , his name is Greek, though he was a Jew, not only by religion, but by birth, being of a Jewish extract:

born at Alexandria;
in Egypt, which was built by Alexander the great, from whence it had its name; it was the metropolis of Egypt, and the seat of the kings of it; great numbers of Jews were in this place; here lived Philo the famous Jew:

an eloquent man;
in speech, as well as learned, wise, and "prudent", as the Ethiopic version renders it:

and mighty in the Scriptures;
of the Old Testament, particularly in the prophecies of them concerning the Messiah; he had thoroughly read them, and carefully examined them, and could readily cite them; as well as had great knowledge of them, and was capable of explaining them; he was "skilful in the Scriptures", as the Syriac version renders it; or he "knew" them, as the Ethiopic; he had large acquaintance with them, and was well versed in them: it is a Jewish way of speaking; so Ahithophel is said to be (hrwtb rwbg) , "mighty in the law" F4; the same is said of the sons of Reuben F5: this man

came to Ephesus;
after the departure of the Apostle Paul, and while Aquila and Priscilla were there; the reason of his coming hither was to preach the word, as he did.


F4 T. Hieros. Sanhedrin, fol. 29. 1.
F5 Tzeror Hammor, fol. 60. 1.

Apostelgeschichte 18:24 In-Context

22 Und als er zu Cäsarea gelandet war, ging er hinauf und begrüßte die Versammlung und zog hinab nach Antiochien.
23 Und als er einige Zeit daselbst zugebracht hatte, reiste er ab und durchzog der Reihe nach die galatische Landschaft und Phrygien und befestigte alle Jünger.
24 Ein gewisser Jude aber, mit Namen Apollos, aus Alexandrien gebürtig, ein beredter Mann, der mächtig war in den Schriften, kam nach Ephesus.
25 Dieser war in dem Wege des Herrn unterwiesen, und, brünstig im Geist, redete und lehrte er sorgfältig die Dinge von Jesu, wiewohl er nur die Taufe Johannes' kannte.
26 Und dieser fing an, freimütig in der Synagoge zu reden. Als aber Aquila und Priscilla ihn hörten, nahmen sie ihn zu sich und legten ihm den Weg Gottes genauer aus.
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