Genesis 24:50

50 Da antworteten Laban und Bethuel und sprachen: Von Jehova ist die Sache ausgegangen; wir können dir nichts sagen, weder Böses noch Gutes.

Genesis 24:50 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 24:50

Then Laban and Bethuel answered
The order of the words in the original is, "then answered Laban and Bethuel"; the word for "answered" is in the singular number, from whence it may be concluded, that Laban gave the answer in the name of Bethuel, he consenting to it, who might be an old man, and left the management of his family affairs to his son, who, Aben Ezra thinks, excelled his father in wisdom and honour; but Jarchi represents him as a wicked and impudent man, who took upon him to speak before his father: but some have thought that this Bethuel was not old Bethuel, the father of Rebekah, but young Bethuel his son, the younger brother of Laban and Rebekah, their father Bethuel being dead, as Josephus says, before observed; and this seems to be countenanced by ( Genesis 24:59 Genesis 24:60 ) , where they are represented as blessing Rebekah, and calling her their sister: and said, the thing proceedeth from the Lord:
that Rebekah should be given to Isaac, as the Targum of Jonathan adds: this matter appears to be according to his will and pleasure, he seems to have appointed it in his decree, and to be bringing it about by his providence; for these men, though they were in part idolaters yet had some good notions of the true God, and of his government of the world, and of his ordering all things in it according to the counsel of his will: we cannot speak unto thee good or bad;
cannot deny the request; the thing was so plain that they had not anything to object to it.

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Genesis 24:50 In-Context

48 und ich verneigte mich und warf mich nieder vor Jehova; und ich pries Jehova, den Gott meines Herrn Abraham, der mich den rechten Weg geleitet hat, um die Tochter des Bruders meines Herrn für seinen Sohn zu nehmen.
49 Und nun, wenn ihr Güte und Treue an meinem Herrn erweisen wollt, so tut es mir kund; und wenn nicht, so tut es mir kund, und ich werde mich zur Rechten oder zur Linken wenden.
50 Da antworteten Laban und Bethuel und sprachen: Von Jehova ist die Sache ausgegangen; wir können dir nichts sagen, weder Böses noch Gutes.
51 Siehe, Rebekka ist vor dir: nimm sie und ziehe hin; und sie sei das Weib des Sohnes deines Herrn, wie Jehova geredet hat.
52 Und es geschah, als Abrahams Knecht ihre Worte hörte, da beugte er sich zur Erde nieder vor Jehova.
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