Hebräer 10:31

31 Es ist furchtbar, in die Hände des lebendigen Gottes zu fallen!

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Hebräer 10:31 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 10:31

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living
] For this is to be understood not in a good sense; so in general all mankind may be said to fall into, or be in the hands of God, as they are the work of his hands, the care of his providence, and are subject to his sovereignty; and in especial manner, believers, whose times and persons are in God's hand, which bespeaks his great affection for them, their nearness to him, the support they have by him, and protection from him; and they choose to fall into the hands of him as a chastising Father, rather than into the hands of men, and at death commend themselves into his hands: but here it is taken in a bad sense, and signifies to be arrested by justice as a criminal, and be brought to the bar of God, and receive the sentence of condemnation; when such will feel the weight of his hand, and the fierceness of his wrath; and this is "a fearful thing": it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of men, injured and affronted, and that have power, and will show no mercy; it is very tremendous to fall into the hands of God, in the way of his judgments in this world; the apprehensions of a future judgment are terrible before hand; and the apparatus of the judgment, when it comes, will be very striking and surprising; but to stand before the Judge, charged with sin, naked, and without righteousness, speechless, and no one to speak in favour of them; to hear the dreadful sentence pronounced, and feel the wrath of God to the uttermost, how horrible must this be! the aggravations of this are, that it is into the hands "of God" that such fall, and not into the hands of men, or mere creatures; but of God, who is omniscient, and sees through all pretences; omnipotent, and none can rescue out of his hands by force; omnipresent, and so no escaping from him; just and faithful, and not to bribed, inexorable, immutable, and unalterable: and that he is "the living God"; in opposition to the lifeless deities of the Gentiles, and to mortal men; and is expressive of his eternity, and so of the duration of the sinner's punishment, that falls into his hands.

Hebräer 10:31 In-Context

29 wieviel ärgerer Strafe, meinet ihr, wird der wertgeachtet werden, der den Sohn Gottes mit Füßen getreten und das Blut des Bundes, durch welches er geheiligt worden ist, für gemein geachtet und den Geist der Gnade geschmäht hat?
30 Denn wir kennen den, der gesagt hat: "Mein ist die Rache, ich will vergelten, spricht der Herr". Und wiederum: "Der Herr wird sein Volk richten".
31 Es ist furchtbar, in die Hände des lebendigen Gottes zu fallen!
32 Gedenket aber der vorigen Tage, in welchen ihr, nachdem ihr erleuchtet worden, viel Kampf der Leiden erduldet habt;
33 indem ihr einerseits sowohl durch Schmähungen als Drangsale zur Schau gestellt wurdet, und anderseits Genossen derer wurdet, welche also einhergingen.
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