Hebräer 4:14

14 Da wir nun einen großen Hohenpriester haben, der durch die Himmel gegangen ist, Jesum, den Sohn Gottes, so laßt uns das Bekenntnis festhalten;

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Hebräer 4:14 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 4:14

Seeing then that we have a great high priest
That Christ is a priest, and an high priest, has been observed already, in ( Hebrews 2:1-7 ) but here he is called a great one, because of the dignity of his person, as follows, and the virtue of his sacrifice; and because of the place where he now officiates as a priest, heaven and with respect to the continuation of his priesthood; and likewise because he makes others priests unto God; and this great high priest is no other than the Word of God before spoken of: so the divine Logos, or Word, is often called a priest, and an high priest, by Philo the Jew F20. This great high priest believers "have", and have an interest in him; he is called to this office, and invested with it; he has been sent to do his work as a priest; and he has done the greatest part of it, and is now doing the rest; and saints receive Christ as such, and the blessings of grace from him, through his sacrifice and intercession:

that is passed into the heavens;
he came down from thence, and offered himself a sacrifice for the sins of his people; and having done this, he ascended thither again, to appear for them, and to make intercession for them; whereby he fully answers to his character as the great high priest: and what makes him more fully to appear so is what follows,

Jesus, the Son of God:
the former of these names signifies a Saviour, and respects his office; the latter is expressive of his dignity, and respects his person; who is the Son of God in such sense as angels and men are not; not by creation, nor adoption; but by nature; not as man and Mediator, but as God, being of the same nature with his Father, and equal to him; and it is this which makes him a great high priest, and gives virtue and efficacy to all he does as such: wherefore,

let us hold fast our profession:
of faith, of the grace and doctrine of faith, and of Christ, and salvation by him, and of the hope of eternal life and happiness; which being made both by words and deeds, publicly and sincerely, should be held fast; which supposes something valuable in it, and that there is danger of dropping it; and that it requires strength, courage, and greatness of mind, and an use of all proper means; and it should be held without wavering; for it is good and profitable, it recommends the Gospel; and it has been made publicly before witnesses; and not to hold it fast is displeasing to God, and resented by him: and the priesthood of Christ is an argument to enforce this duty, for he is the high priest of our profession; he has espoused our cause, and abode by it; he has bore witness to the truth of the Gospel himself; he prays for the support of our faith; he pities and succours; and he is passed into the heavens, where he appears for us, owns us, and will own us.


F20 Alleg. 1. 2. p. 76. De Profugis, p. 466. & de Somniis, p. 597.

Hebräer 4:14 In-Context

12 Denn das Wort Gottes ist lebendig und wirksam und schärfer als jedes zweischneidige Schwert, und durchdringend bis zur Scheidung von Seele und Geist, sowohl der Gelenke als auch des Markes, und ein Beurteiler der Gedanken und Gesinnungen des Herzens;
13 und kein Geschöpf ist vor ihm unsichtbar, sondern alles bloß und aufgedeckt vor den Augen dessen, mit dem wir es zu tun haben.
14 Da wir nun einen großen Hohenpriester haben, der durch die Himmel gegangen ist, Jesum, den Sohn Gottes, so laßt uns das Bekenntnis festhalten;
15 denn wir haben nicht einen Hohenpriester, der nicht Mitleid zu haben vermag mit unseren Schwachheiten, sondern der in allem versucht worden ist in gleicher Weise wie wir, ausgenommen die Sünde.
16 Laßt uns nun mit Freimütigkeit hinzutreten zu dem Thron der Gnade, auf daß wir Barmherzigkeit empfangen und Gnade finden zur rechtzeitigen Hilfe.
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