Therefore thus saith the Lord
Because of this heinous offence, in lying in the name of the Lord, and deceiving the people: behold, I will cast thee from off the face of the earth;
with the utmost indignation and abhorrence, as not worthy to live upon it: it signifies that he should die, and that not a natural, but violent death, by the immediate hand of God, by some judgment upon him; and so be by force taken off the earth, and buried in it, and be no more seen on it: this year thou shalt die;
within the present year, reckoning from this time; so that, had he died any time within twelve months from hence, it would have been sufficient to have verified the prophecy: because thou hast taught rebellion against the Lord;
to despise his word by his prophet; to contradict his will; to refuse subjection to the king of Babylon; to neglect his instructions, directions, and exhortations; and to believe a lie.