Matthäus 10:31

31 Fürchtet euch nun nicht; ihr seid vorzüglicher als viele Sperlinge.

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Matthäus 10:31 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 10:31

Fear ye not therefore
Neither be afraid of men, nor distrust the providence of God; for if that reaches to the meanest of creatures, sparrows, and to that which is of the least account with men, the single hair of a man's head; much more must it regard the lives of men, and still more such useful lives as those of the disciples were, who were called to, and employed in preaching the everlasting Gospel; a work which so much concerned the glory of God, the interest of Christ, and the good of immortal souls:

ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Two of them were worth no more than a farthing; there must be a great multitude of them to be mentioned with any man: and indeed there is no comparison between the whole species of them and the life of a single man, and much less between them and the apostles of the Lamb. Any man is more valuable, as a man, than many sparrows, and much more a Christian man, and still more an apostle: the argument then is, that if God takes care of sparrows and is concerned for their lives, much more will he take care of his faithful ministers, and not suffer their lives to be taken away, till they have done the will and work of their Lord.

Matthäus 10:31 In-Context

29 Werden nicht zwei Sperlinge um einen Pfennig verkauft? Und nicht einer von ihnen fällt auf die Erde ohne euren Vater;
30 an euch aber sind selbst die Haare des Hauptes alle gezählt.
31 Fürchtet euch nun nicht; ihr seid vorzüglicher als viele Sperlinge.
32 Ein jeder nun, der mich vor den Menschen bekennen wird, den werde auch ich bekennen vor meinem Vater, der in den Himmeln ist.
33 Wer aber irgend mich vor den Menschen verleugnen wird, den werde auch ich verleugnen vor meinem Vater, der in den Himmeln ist.
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