Matthäus 22:11

11 Als aber der König hereinkam, die Gäste zu besehen, sah er daselbst einen Menschen, der nicht mit einem Hochzeitskleide bekleidet war.

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Matthäus 22:11 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 22:11

And when the king came in to see the guests
Professors of religion, members of churches, whom God takes particular notice of; he is an omniscient being, and his eyes are upon all men and their actions, and especially on such as are called by his name: he takes notice how they behave in the exercise of grace, and discharge of duty, and distinguishes hypocrites from real believers; the latter of which he has a special affection for, makes rich and large provisions for them, and protects and defends them; he knows them that are his, and gives them marks of respect; and he spies out such as are not, and will in his own time discover them, to their utter confusion and ruin. There are certain times and seasons, when God may be said to come in to see his guests; as sometimes in a way of gracious visits to his dear children, when he bids them welcome to the entertainment of his house, and invites them to eat and drink abundantly: and sometimes in a way of providence, against formal professors and hypocrites; and at the last judgment, when he will separate the sheep from the goats, and discern between the righteous and the wicked: he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment;
by which is meant, not good works, or a holy life and conversation, nor any particular grace of the Spirit, as faith, or charity, or humility, or repentance, or any other, nor the whole work of sanctification, nor the Holy Ghost, but the righteousness of Christ: for though good works are the outward conversation garments of believers, and these greatly become them and adorn the doctrine of Christ, yet they are imperfect, and have their spots, and need washing in the blood of Christ, and cannot in themselves recommend them to God; and though the Holy Spirit and his graces, his work of holiness upon the heart, make the saints all glorious within, yet not these, but the garment of Christ's righteousness, is their clothing of wrought gold, and raiment of needlework, in which they are brought into the king's presence: this, like a garment, is without them, and put upon them; and which covers and protects them, and beautifies and adorns them; and which may be called a wedding garment, because it is that, in which the elect of God were betrothed to Christ; in which they are made ready and prepared for him, as a bride adorned for her husband: and in which they will be introduced into his presence, and be by him presented, first to himself, and then to his Father, without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing. This man had not on this garment, this robe of righteousness; it was not imputed to him; he had no knowledge of it; or if he had any, it was only a speculative one; he had no true faith in it; he had never put on Christ, as the Lord his righteousness; he had got into a church state without it, though there is no entrance into the kingdom of heaven but by it.

Matthäus 22:11 In-Context

9 so gehet nun hin auf die Kreuzwege der Landstraßen, und so viele immer ihr finden werdet, ladet zur Hochzeit.
10 Und jene Knechte gingen aus auf die Landstraßen und brachten alle zusammen, so viele sie fanden, sowohl Böse als Gute. Und die Hochzeit wurde voll von Gästen.
11 Als aber der König hereinkam, die Gäste zu besehen, sah er daselbst einen Menschen, der nicht mit einem Hochzeitskleide bekleidet war.
12 Und er spricht zu ihm: Freund, wie bist du hier hereingekommen, da du kein Hochzeitskleid anhast? Er aber verstummte.
13 Da sprach der König zu den Dienern: Bindet ihm Füße und Hände, nehmet ihn und werfet ihn hinaus in die äußere Finsternis: da wird sein das Weinen und das Zähneknirschen.
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