Matthäus 22:18

18 Da aber Jesus ihre Bosheit erkannte, sprach er: Was versuchet ihr mich, Heuchler?

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Matthäus 22:18 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 22:18

But Jesus perceived their wickedness
Luke says, "their craftiness"; and Mark says, "knowing their hypocrisy"; for there was, a mixture of malice, hypocrisy, and artfulness, in the scheme they had formed; but Christ being the omniscient God, saw the wickedness of their hearts, knew their hypocritical designs, and was well acquainted with all their artifice: he judged not according to the outward appearance of their affection for him, and opinion of him, of religion, righteousness, and holiness in themselves, and of a sincere desire to have their conscience satisfied about this matter; the snare they laid was visible to him, the mask they put on could not screen them from him, nor impose upon him:

and said, why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?
as he might well call them, who feigned themselves just persons, pretended a great deal of respect for him, call him master, compliment him with the characters of a faithful, sincere, and disinterested preacher; yet by putting the above question, designed no other than to ensnare him, and bring him into disgrace or trouble.

Matthäus 22:18 In-Context

16 Und sie senden ihre Jünger mit den Herodianern zu ihm und sagen: Lehrer, wir wissen, daß du wahrhaftig bist und den Weg Gottes in Wahrheit lehrst und dich um niemand kümmerst, denn du siehst nicht auf die Person der Menschen; sage uns nun, was denkst du:
17 Ist es erlaubt, dem Kaiser Steuer zu geben, oder nicht?
18 Da aber Jesus ihre Bosheit erkannte, sprach er: Was versuchet ihr mich, Heuchler?
19 Zeiget mir die Steuermünze. Sie aber überreichten ihm einen Denar.
20 Und er spricht zu ihnen: Wessen ist dieses Bild und die Überschrift?
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