Matthäus 24:38

38 Denn gleichwie sie in den Tagen vor der Flut waren: sie aßen und tranken, sie heirateten und verheirateten, bis zu dem Tage, da Noah in die Arche ging,

Matthäus 24:38 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 24:38

For as in the days that were before the flood
Not all the days before the flood, from the creation of the world; but those immediately preceding it, a century or two before it: they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage:
not that these civil actions of life were criminal in themselves, had care been taken that they were not abused. It is lawful to eat and drink, provided it be in moderation, and not to excess; and to marry, and give in marriage, when the laws, rules, and ends thereof, are observed: and therefore this must be understood, either of their wholly giving themselves up to the pleasures of life, and lusts of the flesh, without any concern about the affairs of religion, the worship and glory of God, the welfare of their souls and their approaching danger, of which Noah had given them warning; or of their luxury and intemperance, in eating and drinking, and of their libidinous and unlawful marriages; for the word here used for eating, signifies eating after the manner of brute beasts: they indulged themselves in a brutish way, in gluttony and drunkenness; and it is certain from the account given of them, in ( Genesis 6:2 Genesis 6:4 ) that they entered into unlawful marriages, and unclean copulations: wherefore these things may be spoken of them, as what were really sinful and wicked, and denote a course of sinning, a constant practice of these sins of intemperance and lust, and which is still more fully expressed in the next clause: until the day that Noe entered into the ark.
The Arabic version renders it, "the ship"; the vessel which God directed him to make, for the saving of himself and family. Now the men of that generation persisted in their wicked course of living, after, and notwithstanding, the warning God had given them by Noah, of the flood that would come upon them; and all the while the ark was building, even to the very day that Noah and his family, by the order of God, went into the ark.

Matthäus 24:38 In-Context

36 Von jenem Tage aber und jener Stunde weiß niemand, auch nicht die Engel der Himmel, sondern mein Vater allein.
37 Aber gleichwie die Tage Noahs waren, also wird auch die Ankunft des Sohnes des Menschen sein.
38 Denn gleichwie sie in den Tagen vor der Flut waren: sie aßen und tranken, sie heirateten und verheirateten, bis zu dem Tage, da Noah in die Arche ging,
39 und sie es nicht erkannten, bis die Flut kam und alle wegraffte, also wird auch die Ankunft des Sohnes des Menschen sein.
40 Alsdann werden zwei auf dem Felde sein, einer wird genommen und einer gelassen;
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