Nahum 1:3

3 Jehova ist langsam zum Zorn und groß an Kraft, und er hält keineswegs für schuldlos den Schuldigen. Jehova, im Sturmwind und im Gewitter ist sein Weg, und Gewölk ist der Staub seiner Füße.

Nahum 1:3 Meaning and Commentary

Nahum 1:3

The Lord [is] slow to anger
He is not in haste to execute it; he takes time for it, and gives men space for repentance. Nineveh had had a proof of this when it repented at the preaching of Jonah, upon which the Lord deferred the execution of his wrath; but lest they should presume upon this, and conclude the Lord would always bear with them, though they had returned to their former impieties; they are let to know, that this his forbearance was not owing to want of power or will in him to punish: since he is great in power, and will not at all acquit [the wicked];
he is able to execute the wrath he threatens, and will by no means clear the guilty, or let them go free and unpunished; though he moves slowly, as he may seem in the execution of his judgments, yet they shall surely be brought on his enemies, and be fully accomplished: the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds
[are] the dust of his feet;
he spoke to Job out of the whirlwind; he descended on Mount Sinai in a storm and tempest; and the clouds are his chariots; in which he rides swiftly; and which, for their appearance and number, are like the dust raised by a multitude of horsemen riding full speed, The wrath of God may be compared to a whirlwind, and a storm, which is sometimes hastily and suddenly executed upon men: respect seems to be had to the armies of the Medes and Chaldeans against the Assyrians; who, as the Babylonians against the Jews, came up as clouds, and their chariots as the whirlwind, ( Jeremiah 4:13 ) ; and the figures beautifully describe the numbers of them, the force with which they came; and in an elegant manner represent the vast quantity of dust raised by an army in full march; at the head of which was the Lord himself, ordering, directing, and succeeding, before whom none can stand.

Nahum 1:3 In-Context

1 Ausspruch über Ninive. Das Buch des Gesichtes Nahums, des Elkoschiters.
2 Ein eifernder und rächender Gott ist Jehova, ein Rächer ist Jehova und voll von Grimm; Jehova übt Rache an seinen Widersachern und trägt seinen Feinden nach.
3 Jehova ist langsam zum Zorn und groß an Kraft, und er hält keineswegs für schuldlos den Schuldigen. Jehova, im Sturmwind und im Gewitter ist sein Weg, und Gewölk ist der Staub seiner Füße.
4 Er schilt das Meer und legt es trocken, und alle Flüsse macht er versiegen; Basan und Karmel verwelken, und es verwelkt die Blüte des Libanon.
5 Vor ihm erbeben die Berge und zerfließen die Hügel, und vor seinem Angesicht erhebt sich die Erde, und der Erdkreis und alle, die darauf wohnen.
The Elberfelder Bible is in the public domain.