Psalm 10:8

8 Er sitzt im Hinterhalt der Dörfer, an verborgenen Örtern ermordet er den Unschuldigen; seine Augen spähen dem Unglücklichen nach.

Psalm 10:8 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 10:8

He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages
Which were by the wayside, where thieves and robbers harboured, and out of which they came, and robbed passengers as they came by. The word F6 signifies "palaces" or "courts": and so it is rendered by the Chaldee paraphrase and Syriac version; and so the allusion is not to mean thieves and robbers, but to persons of note and figure. Hence the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin, Arabic, and Ethiopic versions, render it, "he sitteth in lurking places with the rich"; and may be fitly applied to the pope and his cardinals. Antichrist sits in the temple of God, and by his emissaries gets into the villages, the particular churches and congregations of saints, where they lie in ambush to do mischief, to corrupt their faith, worship, and manners; and like thieves and robbers enter in to steal, kill, and destroy;

in secret places doth he murder the innocent;
the harmless lambs and sheep of Christ; who, though they are not without sin in themselves, yet are innocent with respect to the cause and the things for which they suffer: these are the saints and prophets and martyrs of Jesus, whose blood is shed by antichrist; and the taking away of their lives is reckoned murder with God; and is so styled in the Scriptures, ( Revelation 9:21 ) ; though the antichristian party call it doing God good service, and impute it to zeal for the good of holy church; and yet this they choose to do in secret, by private massacres, or by the inquisition; which having condemned men to death, delivers them over to the secular power to execute the sentence on them: just as the Jews delivered Christ to the Roman governor, to shift off the sin and blame from themselves; murder being what no one cares to be known in, or chargeable with;

his eyes are privily set against the poor:
the word (hklx) , rendered "poor", is used nowhere but in this psalm, in which it is used three times, here, and in ( Psalms 10:1-4 ) ; and in the plural number in ( Psalms 10:10 ) . It is translated "poor" both in the Chaldee paraphrase and Septuagint version, and in those that follow them. In the Arabic language it signifies "black" F7, and may design such who are black by reason of persecution and affliction, who go mourning all the day long on account of sin, their own and others; and because of the distresses and calamities of the church and people of God. These the eyes of the wicked watch and observe, and are set against them to do them all the mischief they can; their eyes are full of envy and indignation at them, though it is all in a private and secret way. The allusion is to thieves and robbers, who hide themselves in some secret place, and from thence look out for them that pass by, and narrowly observe whether they are for their purpose, and when it will be proper to come out and seize upon them.


F6 (Myrux) (aulav) , Symmachus in Drusius; "atriorum", Munster; so Hammond, Ainsworth, & Michaelis.
F7 "Chalae, valde niger fuit", Golius, col. 646.

Psalm 10:8 In-Context

6 Er spricht in seinem Herzen: Ich werde nicht wanken; von Geschlecht zu Geschlecht werde ich in keinem Unglück sein.
7 Sein Mund ist voll Fluchens und Truges und Bedrückung; unter seiner Zunge ist Mühsal und Unheil.
8 Er sitzt im Hinterhalt der Dörfer, an verborgenen Örtern ermordet er den Unschuldigen; seine Augen spähen dem Unglücklichen nach.
9 Er lauert im Versteck, wie ein Löwe in seinem Dickicht; er lauert, um den Elenden zu erhaschen; er erhascht den Elenden, indem er ihn in sein Netz zieht.
10 Er duckt sich, bückt sich, und in seine starken Klauen fallen die Unglücklichen.
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