Psalm 31:3

3 Denn mein Fels und meine Burg bist du; und um deines Namens willen führe mich und leite mich.

Psalm 31:3 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 31:3

For thou [art] my rock and my fortress
What he prayed for he knew him to be, and to have been in times past, and could claim his interest in him; and therefore entreats that he would appear to be to him what he was in himself, and what he had been to him;

therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me;
either as a shepherd does his flock, gently, as they are able to bear it; into the green pastures of the word and ordinances, and beside the still waters of divine love, and to the overflowing fountain, and fulness of grace in himself; or as a general leads and guides his army; Christ being a Leader and Commander of the people, and the great Captain of their salvation, and who being at the head of them, they fear no enemy; or as a guide leads and directs such as are ignorant, and out of the way. The psalmist desires the Lord would lead him in the way of truth and paths of righteousness, according to his word; and guide him with his counsel, and by his Spirit, that so he might walk in the way in which he should go; and this he entreats he would do "for [his] name's sake"; not for any merit or worthiness in him; but for the glory of his own name, and for the honour of his free grace and mercy, for which the Lord often does many things; he defers his anger, he purges away the sins of his people, he forgives their transgressions, and remembers their sins no more, for his name's sake.

Psalm 31:3 In-Context

1 Dem Vorsänger. Ein Psalm von David. Auf dich, Jehova, traue ich; laß mich nimmer beschämt werden; errette mich in deiner Gerechtigkeit!
2 Neige zu mir dein Ohr, eilends errette mich! Sei mir ein Fels der Zuflucht, ein befestigtes Haus, um mich zu retten!
3 Denn mein Fels und meine Burg bist du; und um deines Namens willen führe mich und leite mich.
4 Ziehe mich aus dem Netze, das sie mir heimlich gelegt haben; denn du bist meine Stärke.
5 In deine Hand befehle ich meinen Geist. Du hast mich erlöst, Jehova, du Gott der Wahrheit!
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