Römer 9:5

5 deren die Väter sind, und aus welchen, dem Fleische nach, der Christus ist, welcher über allem ist, Gott, gepriesen in Ewigkeit. Amen.

Römer 9:5 Meaning and Commentary

Romans 9:5

Whose are the fathers
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; for, according to the F1 Jewish writers,

``they call none in Israel (twba) , "fathers", but three, and they are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and they call none "mothers" but four, and they are, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah:''

their descent from these fathers was a privilege, though they valued themselves too highly upon it; but what was the crown and glory of all, and which they took the least, though the apostle took the most notice of, is,

and of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ came;
that is, either of the fathers, or of the Israelites, from whom Christ, according to his human nature, sprung; being a son of Abraham, of the tribe of Judah, of the seed of David, and the son of Mary; hence the Messiah is called (larvyd ahyvm) , "the Messiah or Christ of Israel" F2:

is described as

over all,
angels and men, being the creator, upholder, and governor of them; and as having another nature, a divine one, being

truly and properly God,

blessed for evermore;
in himself, and to be blessed and praised by all creatures. The apostle alludes to that well known periphrastic name of God so much used by the Jews, (awh Kwrb vwdqh) , "the holy, blessed God"; to which, by way of assent and confirmation, the apostle puts his

Now all these particular privileges are mentioned by him, as what heightened his concern for these people; it filled him with heaviness and sorrow of heart, when he considered, that persons who had been partakers of such favours, and especially the last, that the Messiah should spring from them, be born of them, and among them, and yet that they should be given up to ruin and destruction.


F1 T. Bab. Beracot, fol. 16. 2. & Gloss. in ib.
F2 Targum in Isa. xvi. 1, 5. Mic. iv. 8.

Römer 9:5 In-Context

3 denn ich selbst, ich habe gewünscht, durch einen Fluch von Christo entfernt zu sein für meine Brüder, meine Verwandten nach dem Fleische;
4 welche Israeliten sind, deren die Sohnschaft ist und die Herrlichkeit und die Bündnisse und die Gesetzgebung und der Dienst und die Verheißungen;
5 deren die Väter sind, und aus welchen, dem Fleische nach, der Christus ist, welcher über allem ist, Gott, gepriesen in Ewigkeit. Amen.
6 Nicht aber als ob das Wort Gottes hinfällig geworden wäre; denn nicht alle, die aus Israel sind, diese sind Israel,
7 auch nicht, weil sie Abrahams Same sind, sind alle Kinder, sondern "in Isaak wird dir ein Same genannt werden".
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