Titus 1:6

6 Wenn jemand untadelig ist, eines Weibes Mann, der gläubige Kinder hat, die nicht eines ausschweifenden Lebens beschuldigt oder zügellos sind.

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Titus 1:6 Meaning and Commentary

Titus 1:6

If any be blameless
In his outward life and conversation, not chargeable with any notorious crime; (See Gill on 1 Timothy 3:2),

the husband of one wife; (See Gill on 1 Timothy 3:2):

having faithful children;
legitimate ones, born in lawful wedlock, in the same sense as such are called godly and holy, in ( Malachi 2:15 ) ( 1 Corinthians 7:14 ) for by faithful children cannot be meant converted ones, or true believers in Christ; for it is not in the power of men to make their children such; and their not being so can never be an objection to their being elders, if otherwise qualified; at most the phrase can only intend, that they should be brought up in the faith, in the principles, doctrines, and ways of Christianity, or in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Not accused of riot;
or chargeable with sins of uncleanness and intemperance, with rioting and drunkenness, chambering and wantonness; or with such crimes as Eli's sons were guilty of, from which they were not restrained by their father, and therefore the priesthood was removed from the family: "or unruly" not subject, but disobedient to their parents; (See Gill on 1 Timothy 3:4). (See Gill on 1 Timothy 3:5).

Titus 1:6 In-Context

4 Titus, meinem echten Kinde nach unserem gemeinschaftlichen Glauben: Gnade und Friede von Gott, dem Vater, und Christo Jesu, unserem Heilande!
5 Deswegen ließ ich dich in Kreta, daß du, was noch mangelte, in Ordnung bringen und in jeder Stadt Älteste anstellen möchtest, wie ich dir geboten hatte:
6 Wenn jemand untadelig ist, eines Weibes Mann, der gläubige Kinder hat, die nicht eines ausschweifenden Lebens beschuldigt oder zügellos sind.
7 Denn der Aufseher muß untadelig sein als Gottes Verwalter, nicht eigenmächtig, nicht zornmütig, nicht dem Wein ergeben, nicht ein Schläger, nicht schändlichem Gewinn nachgehend,
8 sondern gastfrei, das Gute liebend, besonnen, gerecht, fromm, enthaltsam,

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