Psalms 27:7

7 Hear me, Lord, when I call to you! Be merciful and answer me!

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Psalms 27:7 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 27:7

Hear, O Lord, [when] I cry with my voice
Which is to be understood of prayer, and that in the time of distress; and of vocal prayer, as distinguished from mental prayer; and the phrase denotes the vehemency and intenseness of it: and the request is, that the Lord would hear it; not only as he is omniscient and omnipresent, and so hears the prayers of all, good and bad; but as a God gracious and merciful, who sometimes very quickly hears, and answers in a gracious way, and sometimes seems to turn a deaf car, to shut out the prayers of his people, and cover himself with a cloud, that they should not pass through, or, however, defers an answer to it for a little while; yet, sooner or later, he always shows himself a God hearing prayer;

have mercy also upon me;
by delivering him out of his temporal distresses, and by forgiving his iniquities;

and answer me;
by speaking a word in season; commanding off the affliction he lay under, and by saying to him that his sins were forgiven him.

Psalms 27:7 In-Context

5 In times of trouble he will shelter me; he will keep me safe in his Temple and make me secure on a high rock.
6 So I will triumph over my enemies around me. With shouts of joy I will offer sacrifices in his Temple; I will sing, I will praise the Lord.
7 Hear me, Lord, when I call to you! Be merciful and answer me!
8 When you said, "Come worship me," I answered, "I will come, Lord."
9 Don't hide yourself from me! Don't be angry with me; don't turn your servant away. You have been my help; don't leave me, don't abandon me, O God, my savior.
Scripture taken from the Good News Translation - Second Edition, Copyright 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by Permission.