Isaiah 40:14

14 Whom did he consult? Who gave him understanding? Who taught him the right way? Who taught him knowledge? Who informed him about the way to understanding?

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Isaiah 40:14 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 40:14

With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him
This is the same as before, only repeated in other words, the more strongly to deny that any mere creature counselled, taught, and instructed the Spirit of Christ, in the ordering and managing the works of creation: and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and
showed to him the way of understanding?
or gave him that judgment, knowledge, and understanding in framing the world, and all things in it, in that beautiful and regular manner that it is; which shows it to be a work of wisdom, more than human or angelical, and to be purely divine; no one, angel or man, could have struck out such a path of judgment, such a way of understanding, or showed such exquisite skill and knowledge, as appear in the works of creation; see ( Psalms 104:24 ) .

Isaiah 40:14 In-Context

12 Who has measured the water of the sea with the palm of his hand or measured the sky with the length of his hand? Who has held the dust of the earth in a bushel basket or weighed the mountains on a scale and the hills on a balance?
13 Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD or instructed him as his adviser?
14 Whom did he consult? Who gave him understanding? Who taught him the right way? Who taught him knowledge? Who informed him about the way to understanding?
15 The nations are like a drop in a bucket and are considered to be like dust on a scale. The weight of the islands is like fine dust.
16 All the trees in Lebanon are not enough to burn an offering. Its wild animals are not enough for a single burnt offering.
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