Jeremiah 22:11

11 This is what the LORD says about King Josiah's son Shallum, who succeeded his father as king of Judah and left this place: He will never come back here again.

Jeremiah 22:11 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 22:11

For thus saith the Lord touching Shallum
Not Shallum the fourth son of Josiah, ( 1 Chronicles 3:15 ) ; for it is not likely that he should immediately succeed his father; nor Zedekiah, as Jarchi; nor Jeconiah, as Kimchi; but Jehoahaz, as Aben Ezra; who seems to have had several names, as Johanan, ( 1 Chronicles 3:15 ) ; and Shallum here: the son of Josiah king of Judah, which reigned instead of Josiah his
the same is said of Jehoahaz, ( 2 Chronicles 36:1 ) ; which went forth out of this place;
out of Jerusalem, being put down there from his throne by Pharaohnecho, and carried by him into Egypt, ( 2 Chronicles 36:3 2 Chronicles 36:4 ) ; he shall not return thither any more;
he died in Egypt, or however out of his own land; but was alive when this prophecy was delivered out, which was in the reign of his brother Jehoiakim, as some following verses show.

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Jeremiah 22:11 In-Context

9 The answer will be: 'They rejected the promise of the LORD their God. They worshiped other gods and served them.'"
10 Don't cry for the dead. Don't shake your heads at them. Cry bitterly for those who are taken away, because they won't come back to see their homeland.
11 This is what the LORD says about King Josiah's son Shallum, who succeeded his father as king of Judah and left this place: He will never come back here again.
12 He will die in the place where he was taken captive, and he will never see this land again.
13 "How horrible it will be for the person who builds his house dishonestly and his upper rooms through injustice. He makes his neighbors work for nothing and doesn't pay them for their work.
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