Leviticus 24:6

6 Put them in two stacks of six each on the gold table in the LORD's presence.

Leviticus 24:6 Meaning and Commentary

Leviticus 24:6

And thou shalt set them in two rows
The twelve cakes: six on a row;
not by the side of each other, but six upon one another: upon the pure table;
the shewbread table, so called because overlaid with pure gold, and kept clean and bright, ( Exodus 25:24 ) ; before the Lord;
for this stood in the holy place, in the same place as the candlestick did, which has the same position, ( Leviticus 24:4 ) ; of the mystical and typical sense of these cakes, (See Gill on Exodus 25:30).

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Leviticus 24:6 In-Context

4 Aaron must keep the lamps on the pure gold lamp stand lit in the LORD's presence.
5 "Also take flour and bake twelve rings of bread. Each ring will contain four quarts of flour.
6 Put them in two stacks of six each on the gold table in the LORD's presence.
7 Lay pure incense on top of each stack. The incense on the bread will be a reminder, an offering by fire to the LORD.
8 Every day of worship [a priest] must arrange the bread in the LORD's presence. It is a continual reminder of my promise to the Israelites.
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