Psalms 88:4

4 I am numbered with those who go into the pit. I am like a man without any strength--

Psalms 88:4 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 88:4

I am counted with them that go down into the pit
With the dead, with them that are worthy of death, with malefactors that are judicially put to death, and are not laid in a common grave, but put into a pit together: thus Christ was reckoned and accounted of by the Jews; the sanhedrim counted him worthy of death; and the common people cried out Crucify him; and they did crucify him between two malefactors; and so he was numbered or counted with transgressors, and as one of them, ( Isaiah 53:3 Isaiah 53:4 Isaiah 53:12 ) .

I am as a man that hath no strength;
for his "strength" was "dried up like a potsherd", ( Psalms 22:15 ) , though he was the mighty God, and, as man, was made strong by the Lord for himself.

Psalms 88:4 In-Context

2 Let my prayer come into your presence. Turn your ear to hear my cries.
3 My soul is filled with troubles, and my life comes closer to the grave.
4 I am numbered with those who go into the pit. I am like a man without any strength--
5 abandoned with the dead, like those who have been killed and lie in graves, like those whom you no longer remember, who are cut off from your power.
6 You have put me in the bottom of the pit--in deep, dark places.
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