And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teachin the synagogue:andmanyhearing him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things?andwhatwisdom is this which is given unto him,thatevensuch mighty works are wroughtbyhishands?
Isnotthis the carpenter, the son of Mary*, the brother of James,andJoses,and of Juda,andSimon?andarenothissistersherewithus?And they were offendedathim.
Andwhosoever*shallnotreceiveyou,norhearyou, when ye departthence, shake off the dustunderyourfeetfor a testimony against them.Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for SodomandGomorrhain the day of judgment,than for thatcity.
AndkingHerodheard of him; (for hisnamewas spread abroad:) and he said, ThatJohn the Baptist was risenfrom the dead,andthereforemightyworks do shew forth themselvesinhim.
And when the daughter of the saidHerodias came in, anddanced, andpleasedHerodand them that sat with him, the kingsaid unto the damsel,Ask of mewhatsoeverthouwilt, and I will give it thee.
And he said unto them,Comeyeyourselvesapart*into a desertplace,andrest a while:for there weremanycomingandgoing, and they had noleisure so much as to eat.
AndJesus, when he came out, sawmuchpeople,and was moved with compassiontowardthem,because they wereassheepnothaving a shepherd:and he began to teachthem many things.
And when he had taken the fiveloavesand the twofishes, he looked uptoheaven, and blessed, andbrake the loaves,andgave them to hisdisciplesto set beforethem;and the twofishes divided he among them all.
And he sawthemtoilinginrowing; for the windwascontrary unto them:andabout the fourthwatch of the night he comethuntothem,walkingupon the sea,andwould have passed bythem.
Andwhithersoeverheentered, intovillages,orcities,orcountry, they laid the sickin the streets,andbesoughthimthat they might touchif it were but the border of hisgarment:and as manyastouchedhim were made whole.