ButPeter, standing upwith the eleven, lifted uphisvoice,andsaid unto them, Ye men of Judaea,andall ye that dwell at Jerusalem,bethisknown unto you,andhearken to mywords:
And it shall come to passin the lastdays,saithGod, I will pour outofmySpirituponallflesh:andyoursonsandyourdaughters shall prophesy, andyour young men shall seevisions,andyour old men shall dreamdreams:
Ye men of Israel,hearthesewords;Jesus of Nazareth, a manapprovedofGodamongyou by miraclesandwondersandsigns,whichGoddidbyhimin the midst of you,as ye yourselvesalsoknow:
Thereforebeing a prophet,andknowingthatGod had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of hisloins, according to the flesh, he would raise upChrist to sitonhisthrone;
Thereforebeing by the right hand of Godexalted, and having receivedof the Father the promise of the HolyGhost, he hath shed forththis,whichyenowseeandhear.
ThenPetersaiduntothem,Repent, and be baptized every one of youin the name of JesusChristfor the remission of sins,and ye shall receive the gift of the HolyGhost.