And there accompaniedhimintoAsiaSopater of Berea;and of the Thessalonians,AristarchusandSecundus;andGaius of Derbe,andTimotheus;and of Asia,TychicusandTrophimus.
Andupon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to breakbread,Paulpreached unto them,ready to depart on the morrow;andcontinued his speechuntilmidnight.
And there satin a window a certain young mannamedEutychus, being fallen into a deepsleep: and as Paul was long*preaching, he sunk downwithsleep, and fell down*from the third loft,and was taken updead.
And we sailedthence, and came the next day over againstChios;and the next day we arrivedatSamos,andtarriedatTrogyllium; and the next day we cametoMiletus.
ForPaul had determined to sail byEphesus,becausehewouldnot spend the timeinAsia:for he hasted, if it werepossible for him, to beatJerusalem the day of Pentecost.
Butnone of these things move me, neither count Imylifedear unto myself,so that I might finishmycoursewithjoy,and the ministry,which I have receivedof the LordJesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.
Take heedtherefore unto yourselves,and to all the flock,over the which the HolyGhost hath madeyouoverseers, to feed the church of God,which he hath purchasedwith his ownblood.
Andnow,brethren, I commendyou to God,and to the word of hisgrace,which is able to build you up, and to giveyou an inheritanceamongall them which are sanctified.
I have shewedyou all things, how thatsolabouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the LordJesus,howhesaid, It ismoreblessed to givethan to receive.