Hechos 16:21

21 y predican ritos, los cuales no nos es lícito recibir ni hacer, pues somos romanos

Images for Hechos 16:21

Hechos 16:21 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 16:21

And teach customs
The Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic versions read in the singular number, "custom or law"; referring to the doctrine of salvation by Christ, in whose name the spirit of divination was cast out of the maid, and whom they took for a new deity; and so concluded that the apostle and his company were introducing a new religious law or custom, the worship of another God: which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being
for the city of Philippi was a Roman colony, and so the inhabitants of it called themselves Romans; or these men might be strictly such, who were transplanted hither; and with the Romans, it was not lawful to receive, observe, and worship, a new or strange deity, without the decree of the senate F12.


F12 Tertull. Apolog. c. 5. Euseb. Eccl. Hist. l. 2. c. 2.

Hechos 16:21 In-Context

19 Y viendo sus amos que había salido la esperanza de su ganancia, prendieron a Pablo y a Silas, y los trajeron al foro, ante el magistrado
20 y presentándolos a los magistrados, dijeron: Estos hombres, siendo judíos, alborotan nuestra ciudad
21 y predican ritos, los cuales no nos es lícito recibir ni hacer, pues somos romanos
22 Y se agolpó el pueblo contra ellos; y los magistrados rompiéndoles sus ropas, les mandaron azotar con varas
23 Y después que los hirieron de muchos azotes, los echaron en la cárcel, mandando al carcelero que los guardara con diligencia

Título en Inglés – The Jubilee Bible

(De las Escrituras de La Reforma)

Editado por: Russell M. Stendal

Jubilee Bible 2000 – Russell Martin Stendal

© 2000, 2001, 2010