Job 33:28

28 Dios rescatará su alma, que no pase a la huesa, y su vida se verá en luz

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Job 33:28 Meaning and Commentary

Job 33:28

He will deliver his soul from going into the pit
Into the pit of the grave; and then the soul is put for the man or for the body; or into the pit of hell or perdition:

and his life shall see the light;
or he shall live and enjoy outward prosperity here, and the light of eternal happiness hereafter; and so the Targum interprets it of superior light, or the light above, even the inheritance of the saints in light. These words have a double reading; the "Keri", or marginal reading, is what we follow; but the "Cetib", or textual reading, is, "he hath delivered my soul from going into the pit, and my life sees the light"; and which seems to be the better reading; and so the words are a continuation of the address of the man recovered from illness to his friends; setting forth and acknowledging, with joy and thankfulness, the great goodness of God unto him, that he had delivered him from the grave, and spared his life, and given him to enjoy great prosperity, both temporal and spiritual.

Job 33:28 In-Context

26 Orará a Dios, y le amará, y verá su faz con gritos de alegría; y él dará al hombre el pago de su justicia
27 El mira sobre los hombres; y el que dijere: Pequé, y pervertí lo recto, y no me ha aprovechado
28 Dios rescatará su alma, que no pase a la huesa, y su vida se verá en luz
29 He aquí, todas estas cosas hace Dios dos y tres veces con el hombre
30 para apartar su alma de la huesa, e iluminarlo con la luz de los vivientes

Título en Inglés – The Jubilee Bible

(De las Escrituras de La Reforma)

Editado por: Russell M. Stendal

Jubilee Bible 2000 – Russell Martin Stendal

© 2000, 2001, 2010