Juan 4:32

32 Y él les dijo: Yo tengo una comida que comer, que vosotros no sabéis

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Juan 4:32 Meaning and Commentary

John 4:32

But he said unto them
That is, "Jesus", as the Persic, or the Lord Jesus, as the Ethiopic versions express it:

I have meat to eat that ye know not of:
meaning the conversion of the Samaritan woman, and of other Samaritans, who were flocking in great numbers to him, which he knew, though his disciples did not; and the harvest of souls he had a prospect of, see ( John 4:35 ) , was as meat unto him, delightful and refreshing; and his mind and thoughts were so taken up with these things, that he had no inclination to any corporeal food.

Juan 4:32 In-Context

30 Entonces salieron de la ciudad, y vinieron a él
31 Entre tanto los discípulos le rogaban, diciendo: Rabí, come
32 Y él les dijo: Yo tengo una comida que comer, que vosotros no sabéis
33 Entonces los discípulos decían el uno al otro: ¿Si le habrá traído alguien de comer
34 Les dice Jesús: Mi comida es que haga la voluntad del que me envió, y que acabe su obra

Título en Inglés – The Jubilee Bible

(De las Escrituras de La Reforma)

Editado por: Russell M. Stendal

Jubilee Bible 2000 – Russell Martin Stendal

© 2000, 2001, 2010