Juan 3:1-21

1 Y había un hombre de los fariseos que se llamaba Nicodemo, príncipe de los judíos
2 Este vino a Jesús de noche, y le dijo: Rabí, sabemos que has venido de Dios por maestro; porque nadie puede hacer estas señales que tú haces, si no estuviere Dios con él
3 Respondió Jesús, y le dijo: De cierto, de cierto te digo, que el que no naciere otra vez, no puede ver el Reino de Dios
4 Le dice Nicodemo: ¿Cómo puede un hombre nacer siendo viejo? ¿Puede entrar otra vez en el vientre de su madre, y nacer
5 Respondió Jesús: De cierto, de cierto te digo, que el que no naciere de agua y de Espíritu, no puede entrar en el Reino de Dios
6 Lo que es nacido de la carne, carne es; y lo que es nacido del Espíritu, Espíritu es
7 No te maravilles de que te dije: Os es necesario nacer otra vez
8 El viento de donde quiere sopla, y oyes su sonido; mas ni sabes de dónde viene, ni a dónde vaya; así es todo aquel que es nacido del Espíritu
9 Respondió Nicodemo, y le dijo: ¿Cómo puede esto hacerse
10 Respondió Jesús, y le dijo: ¿Tú eres el maestro de Israel, y no sabes esto
11 De cierto, de cierto te digo, que lo que sabemos hablamos, y lo que hemos visto, testificamos; y no recibís nuestro testimonio
12 Si os he dicho cosas terrenas, y no creéis, ¿cómo creeréis si os dijere las celestiales
13 Y nadie subió al cielo, sino el que descendió del cielo, el Hijo del hombre, que está en el cielo
14 Y como Moisés levantó la serpiente en el desierto, así es necesario que el Hijo del hombre sea levantado
15 para que todo aquel que en él creyere, no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna
16 Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo Unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna
17 Porque no envió Dios a su Hijo al mundo, para que condene al mundo, sino para que el mundo sea salvo por él
18 El que en él cree, no es condenado; pero el que no cree, ya es condenado, porque no creyó en el nombre del Unigénito Hijo de Dios
19 Y esta es la condenación: porque la luz vino al mundo, y los hombres amaron más las tinieblas que la luz; porque sus obras eran malas
20 Porque todo aquel que hace lo malo, aborrece a la luz y no viene a la luz, para que sus obras no sean redargüidas
21 Mas el que obra verdad, viene a la luz, para que sus obras sean manifestadas que son hechas en Dios

Images for Juan 3:1-21

Juan 3:1-21 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter the apostle exhorts to a holy life and conversation in general, and to the exercise of brotherly love in particular. The former of these is urged from the consideration of the great blessing of adoption, which springs from the free love and favour of God, is unknown to the men of the world, and indeed, in the present state of things, does not appear to the saints themselves in all its fulness and advantages, as it will do in the future state, when the children of God will be like to Christ, and see him as he is; the hope of which should engage them to purity of life and conversation, 1Jo 3:1-3, and this is further enforced from the nature of sin, which is a transgression of the law, 1Jo 3:4, from the end of Christ's manifestation in the flesh, which was to take away sin, and who was without it, 1Jo 3:5, from communion with Christ, expressed by abiding in him, seeing and knowing him, which such must be strangers to that live a sinful course of life, 1Jo 3:6, from this, that only such that do righteousness are righteous persons, and these are righteous as Christ is, 1Jo 3:7, and from a man's being of the devil, that is, of a vicious conversation, who was a sinner from the beginning, and whose works Christ was manifested in the flesh to destroy, 1Jo 3:8, and from the nature of the new man, or that which is born of God, which is not to sin, nor can it, 1Jo 3:9, and from the distinction there is between the children of God and the children of the devil, those not being of God who do not righteousness, nor love their brethren, 1Jo 3:10, from hence the apostle passes to brotherly love, and excites and engages to that, from its being a message which had been heard from the beginning, 1Jo 3:11, which is illustrated by its contrary in the instance of Cain, who by the instigation of Satan slew his brother, because his works were righteous, and his own were evil, 1Jo 3:12, wherefore, it is no wonder that good men should be hated by the world, who, as Cain, are of the same wicked one, 1Jo 3:13, brotherly love is further urged unto, from its being an evidence of passing from death to life, or of regeneration; whereas he that hates his brother openly continues in a state of death, is a murderer, and so has not eternal life abiding in him, 1Jo 3:14,15, and from the great instance of Christ's love, in laying down his life for his people, the saints are incited to lay down their lives for one another; to such a pitch does the apostle carry brotherly love, 1Jo 3:16, wherefore, he that is rich, and is uncompassionate to his brother in distress, cannot be thought to have the love of God dwelling in him, 1Jo 3:17, hence he presses the exhortation to brotherly love, that it be not in profession only, but true, real, and cordial, 1Jo 3:18, and that by observing the advantages of it, as that hereby men know they are of the truth, and can assure their hearts before God; and which is illustrated by the contrary, the condemnation of the heart, 1Jo 3:19,20, the advantages of non-condemnation of the heart are confidence before God, and receiving whatsoever we ask of him; the reason of which is, because his commandments are kept, and things done which are pleasing to him, 1Jo 3:21,22, the commandments are explained of faith in Christ, and love to one another, 1Jo 3:23, and the happiness of them that do them is, that Christ dwells in them, and they in him, the evidence of which is, the Spirit that is given unto them, 1Jo 3:24.

Título en Inglés – The Jubilee Bible

(De las Escrituras de La Reforma)

Editado por: Russell M. Stendal

Jubilee Bible 2000 – Russell Martin Stendal

© 2000, 2001, 2010