Lamentations 3:1-9

1 I am the man who has seen affliction by the rod of the LORD’s wrath.
2 He has driven me away and made me walk in darkness rather than light;
3 indeed, he has turned his hand against me again and again, all day long.
4 He has made my skin and my flesh grow old and has broken my bones.
5 He has besieged me and surrounded me with bitterness and hardship.
6 He has made me dwell in darkness like those long dead.
7 He has walled me in so I cannot escape; he has weighed me down with chains.
8 Even when I call out or cry for help, he shuts out my prayer.
9 He has barred my way with blocks of stone; he has made my paths crooked.

Images for Lamentations 3:1-9

Lamentations 3:1-9 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter is a complaint and lamentation like the former, and on the same subject, only the prophet mixes his own afflictions and distresses with the public calamities; or else he represents the church in her complaints; and some have thought him to be a type of Christ throughout the whole; to whom various things may be applied. It is indeed written in a different form from the other chapters, in another sort of metre; and though in an alphabetical manner as the rest, yet with this difference, that three verses together begin with the same letter; so that the alphabet is gone through three times in it. Here is first a complaint of the afflictions of the prophet, and of the people, expressed by a rod, by darkness, by wormwood and gall, and many other things; and especially by the Lord's appearing against them as an enemy, in a most severe and terrible manner; shutting out their prayer; being as a bear and lion to them; and giving them up to the cruelty and scorn of their enemies, La 3:1-21; then follows some comfort taken by them, from the mercy, faithfulness, and goodness of God; from the usefulness of patience in bearing afflictions; and from the end of God in laying them upon men; and from the providence of God, by which all things are ordered, La 3:22-38; wherefore, instead of complaining, it would be better, it is suggested, to attend to the duties of examination of their ways, and of repentance, and of prayer, La 3:39-41; and a particular prayer is directed to, in which confession of sin is made, and their miseries deplored, by reason of the hidings of God's face, and the insults of their enemies, La 3:42-47; and then the prophet expresses his sympathy with his people under affliction, and declares what he himself met with from his enemies, La 3:48-54; and relates bow he called upon the Lord, and he heard and delivered him, La 3:55-58; and concludes with a request that he would judge his cause, and avenge him on enemies, La 3:59-66.

Cross References 15

  • 1. Jeremiah 15:17-18
  • 2. S Job 19:21; Psalms 88:7
  • 3. S Job 19:8; S Psalms 82:5; S Jeremiah 4:23
  • 4. Psalms 38:2; Isaiah 5:25
  • 5. S Job 30:30; Lamentations 4:8
  • 6. Psalms 51:8; S Isaiah 38:13; S Jeremiah 50:17
  • 7. ver 19
  • 8. Jeremiah 23:15
  • 9. Psalms 88:5-6; Psalms 143:3; Isaiah 59:10
  • 10. S Job 3:23
  • 11. Jeremiah 40:4
  • 12. Psalms 5:2
  • 13. ver 44; S Deuteronomy 1:45; S Job 30:20; Psalms 22:2
  • 14. S Job 19:8
  • 15. S Job 9:24; S Isaiah 63:17; Hosea 2:6
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