1 Kings 4:27

27 These governors sustained King Solomon and all who came near to the table of King Solomon, each [in] his month; they did not omit anything.

1 Kings 4:27 Meaning and Commentary

1 Kings 4:27

And these officers provided victuals for King Solomon
The twelve before mentioned; and this is repeated here, after the account of his horses, to observe, that they provided for them also, as well as for the sake of what follows; that the large provision made by them was not only for Solomon's family and domestic servants, but for strangers from different arts, who came upon messages to him, or to visit him, and to behold the splendour of his court:

and for all that came to Solomon's table;
which was an open table for all comers, as there were some from all parts of the earth, ( 1 Kings 4:34 ) ;

every man in his month;
each of the twelve officers provided food in the month assigned to him:

they lacked nothing;
they always had enough to supply the king with, and they failed not in the performance of their duty, nor came short of their salaries, being fully and punctually paid them.

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1 Kings 4:27 In-Context

25 Judah and Israel lived in security, each man under his vine and under his fig tree, from Dan as far as Beersheba, all the days of Solomon.
26 Now Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his war chariots and twelve thousand horsemen.
27 These governors sustained King Solomon and all who came near to the table of King Solomon, each [in] his month; they did not omit anything.
28 The barley and the straw for the horses and for packhorses they brought to the place where they were, each according to his share.
29 God gave wisdom to Solomon and very great discernment, as well as {breadth of understanding}, as the sand which is on the edge of the seashore.
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