Exodus 15:3

3 Yahweh [is] a man of war; Yahweh [is] his name.

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Exodus 15:3 Meaning and Commentary

Exodus 15:3

The Lord is a man of war
A "man", which has respect to the future incarnation of Christ, for as yet he was not really man; though it was purposed, covenanted, agreed to, and prophesied of, that he should, as he after was; not a mere man, as appears by the following clause: "a man of war"; or a warrior; being engaged in war, and inured to it; having to do with very powerful enemies, Satan and his principalities and powers, the world, and the great men of it, antichrist, and all the antichristian states. A warrior well versed in all the arts of war, and abundantly qualified for it, having consummate wisdom, strength, and courage, and thoroughly furnished and accoutred for it; having on the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the garment of vengeance, and cloak of zeal, and a vesture dipped in blood; and with a sword girt on his thigh, or drawn, or coming out of his mouth; and with a bow and arrows, going forth conquering, and to conquer; for he is a victorious one, who has conquered sin, Satan, and the world, and will subdue all others, and make his people more than conquerors, through him. He is not a common man of war or warrior; he is the Captain of the Lord's host, the Leader and Commander of the people, the Generalissimo of the armies in heaven and earth, and is a Prince and King at the head of them: the Lord is his name;
or Jehovah, which proves him to be more than a man; and being so, it is no wonder that he is so mighty, powerful, and victorious.

Exodus 15:3 In-Context

1 Then Moses and the {Israelites} sang this song to Yahweh, {and they said}, "Let me sing to Yahweh because he is highly exalted; [the] horse and its rider he hurled into the sea.
2 Yah [is] my strength and song, and he has become my salvation; this [is] my God, and I will praise him--the God of my father--and I will exalt him.
3 Yahweh [is] a man of war; Yahweh [is] his name.
4 The chariots of Pharaoh and his army he cast into the sea, and his choice adjutants were sunk in the {Red Sea}.
5 The deep waters covered them; they went down into the depths like a stone.
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