Exodus 23:5

5 If you see the donkey of your enemy lying down under its burden, you will refrain from abandoning him. You will surely arrange [it] with him.

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Exodus 23:5 Meaning and Commentary

Exodus 23:5

If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lying under his
Fallen down, and such a burden upon him that he cannot rise up again, but lies under it, and the owner of it is not able of himself to raise it up again:

and wouldst forbear to help him;
show an inclination to pass on without giving him any assistance to get up his beast again; or "wouldst thou forbear to help him?" F23 as Jarchi, and others, read with an interrogation, could it be in thine heart to forbear helping him? couldest thou go on, and take no notice of him and his case, and not join him in endeavouring to get up his beast again, that he may proceed its his journey? canst thou be so cruel and hardhearted, though he is thine enemy? but if thou art, know this,

thou shalt surely help with him;
to get up his ass again: hence the Jewish canon runs thus F24,

``if an ass is unloaded and loaded four or five times, a man is bound, i.e. to help, as it is said, "in helping thou shalt help"; if he (the owner) goes away, and sets himself down, seeing the command is upon thee, if it is thy will and pleasure to unload, unload, he is free; for it is said, with him; if he is an old man, or sick, he is bound, the command of the law is to unload, but not to load.''

The words may be rendered, "in leaving thou shalt leave with him" F25; either leave or forsake thine enmity to help him, as Onkelos; or leave thy business, thou art about, to lend him an hand to raise up his beast again.


F23 (bzem tldxw) "num desines sublevare eum?" some in Vatablus; "cessabis auxitiari ei?" Drusius; "desines auxiliari ei?" Pagninus.
F24 Misn. Bava Metzia, c. 2. sect. 10.
F25 "Deserendo deseres cum eo", Montanus; so Ainsworth.

Exodus 23:5 In-Context

3 You will not be partial to a powerless [person] in his legal dispute.
4 " 'If you come upon the ox of your enemy or his donkey going astray, you will certainly bring it back to him
5 If you see the donkey of your enemy lying down under its burden, you will refrain from abandoning him. You will surely arrange [it] with him.
6 " 'You will not pervert the justice of your poor in his legal dispute.
7 You will stay far from a {false charge}, and do not kill [the] innocent and [the] righteous, because I will not declare [the] wicked righteous.

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. Or "restore" or "put in order"
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