1 Jean 5:5

5 Qui est celui qui a triomphé du monde, sinon celui qui croit que Jésus est le Fils de Dieu?

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1 Jean 5:5 Meaning and Commentary

1 John 5:5

Who is he that overcometh the world
This question carries in it a strong affirmation, that no other person is the conqueror of the world:

but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?
and this points out what that faith is which obtains the victory over the world; and shows that it is not that trust and confidence which has a man's self, or any mere creature, thing, or person, for its object, but only Jesus Christ, and that as he is the Son of God; and which is not a mere assent to such a proposition, to which devils and unregenerate persons may assent, and do; but it is a seeing of the Son in the glory, fulness, and suitableness of his person, office, and grace; a going to him, being drawn by the Father; and a living upon him as the Son of God, and trusting in him for life, righteousness, and salvation: and this shows, that the victory over the world is not owing to faith itself, but to its object Christ, who has overcome it, and makes true believers in him more than conquerors over it.

1 Jean 5:5 In-Context

3 Car l'amour de Dieu consiste à garder ses commandements. Et ses commandements ne sont pas pénibles,
4 parce que tout ce qui est né de Dieu triomphe du monde; et la victoire qui triomphe du monde, c'est notre foi.
5 Qui est celui qui a triomphé du monde, sinon celui qui croit que Jésus est le Fils de Dieu?
6 C'est lui, Jésus-Christ, qui est venu avec de l'eau et du sang; non avec l'eau seulement, mais avec l'eau et avec le sang; et c'est l'Esprit qui rend témoignage, parce que l'Esprit est la vérité.
7 Car il y en a trois qui rendent témoignage:
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