2 Corinthiens 8:13

13 Car il s'agit, non de vous exposer à la détresse pour soulager les autres,

2 Corinthiens 8:13 Meaning and Commentary

2 Corinthians 8:13

For I mean not that other men be eased and you burdened.
] Referring either to the givers; and that either to the richer and meaner sort in this church; the apostle's sense being, not to put the whole burden of the collection upon some only, whilst others were excused doing little or nothing; but that everyone should give according to his ability; or to other churches in poorer circumstances; and the apostle's meaning was, not that these churches by reason of their meanness should be entirely free from this service, as it was plain they were not, by the instance of the Macedonians; and that the whole be devolved upon the Corinthian church, and others that were rich; but that all should contribute according to their circumstances: or this may refer to the persons given to, and for whom this beneficence was asked; for the words may be rendered, "for not that there may be ease", or relaxation "to others, and to you affliction" or straitness; that is, his meaning was, not that there should be such a contribution raised for these poor saints at Jerusalem, that they should live in ease and great abundance; whilst their benefactors, through an over abundant generosity to them, were straitened, and their families reduced to great difficulties; this was what was far from his intentions.

2 Corinthiens 8:13 In-Context

11 Achevez donc maintenant d'agir, afin que l'accomplissement selon vos moyens réponde à l'empressement que vous avez mis à vouloir.
12 La bonne volonté, quand elle existe, est agréable en raison de ce qu'elle peut avoir à sa disposition, et non de ce qu'elle n'a pas.
13 Car il s'agit, non de vous exposer à la détresse pour soulager les autres,
14 mais de suivre une règle d'égalité: dans la circonstance présente votre superflu pourvoira à leurs besoins, afin que leur superflu pourvoie pareillement aux vôtres, en sorte qu'il y ait égalité,
15 selon qu'il est écrit: Celui qui avait ramassé beaucoup n'avait rien de trop, et celui qui avait ramassé peu n'en manquait pas.
The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.