2 Pierre 2:8

8 car ce juste, qui habitait au milieu d'eux, tourmentait journellement son âme juste à cause de ce qu'il voyait et entendait de leurs oeuvres criminelles;

2 Pierre 2:8 Meaning and Commentary

2 Peter 2:8

For that righteous man dwelling among them
Which is sometimes the lot of good men, to their great sorrow and grief, ( Psalms 120:5-7 ) ( Isaiah 6:5 ) . Upon mentioning those words in ( Genesis 13:12 Genesis 13:13 ) "and pitched his tent towards Sodom", but the men of Sodom were wicked, &c. says R. Eleazar F9;

``he is a righteous man that dwells between two wicked men, and does not learn their works;''

and such an one was Lot, whatever they are elsewhere pleased to say of him: "in seeing and hearing"; the Vulgate Latin version reads this in connection with the word "righteous", thus, "in seeing and hearing he was righteous": he could not bear to see their filthy actions, and hear their obscene language, but turned away from them, and shut his eyes, and stopped his ears, by which he appears to be a righteous and good man; though rather this belongs to what follows, seeing their wicked practices, and hearing their filthy talk:

vexed his righteous soul from, day today with their unlawful deeds;
either "they vexed" him, as the Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic versions read; or rather "he vexed" himself; he fretted and teased himself, and became exceeding uneasy, and was put upon a rack and tortured, as the word signifies, continually, with their wicked actions; see ( Psalms 119:158 ) .


F9 T. Bab. Yoma, fol. 38. 2.

2 Pierre 2:8 In-Context

6 s'il a condamné à la destruction et réduit en cendres les villes de Sodome et de Gomorrhe, les donnant comme exemple aux impies à venir,
7 et s'il a délivré le juste Lot, profondément attristé de la conduite de ces hommes sans frein dans leur dissolution
8 car ce juste, qui habitait au milieu d'eux, tourmentait journellement son âme juste à cause de ce qu'il voyait et entendait de leurs oeuvres criminelles;
9 le Seigneur sait délivrer de l'épreuve les hommes pieux, et réserver les injustes pour être punis au jour du jugement,
10 ceux surtout qui vont après la chair dans un désir d'impureté et qui méprisent l'autorité. Audacieux et arrogants, ils ne craignent pas d'injurier les gloires,
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