Actes 28:23

23 Ils lui fixèrent un jour, et plusieurs vinrent le trouver dans son logis. Paul leur annonça le royaume de Dieu, en rendant témoignage, et en cherchant, par la loi de Moïse et par les prophètes, à les persuader de ce qui concerne Jésus. L'entretien dura depuis le matin jusqu'au soir.

Actes 28:23 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 28:23

And when they had appointed him a day
When they should meet together, and when both sides might be better prepared to enter into a conversation on the subject of Christianity; and when there might be an opportunity for a more numerous assembly to hear:

there came many to him into his lodging;
the same very likely with his own hired house, ( Acts 28:30 ) ; hither a large number came at the time appointed, more than those whom Paul first sent for:

to whom he expounded;
the Scriptures, the writings of Moses, and the prophets; and particularly such parts of them as concerned the Messiah; so our Lord expounded to his disciples in all the Scriptures, the things concerning himself, ( Luke 24:27 ) .

And testified the kingdom of God;
or the kingdom of the Messiah, which oftentimes signifies the Gospel, and the Gospel dispensation: he produced full and sufficient proofs and testimonies from prophecies, miracles, and facts, that the kingdom of the Messiah was come; which consisted not in outward pompous things, in temporal riches and honours, as they expected; but in the ministration of the Gospel, and in the administration of its ordinances; and in righteousness and holiness, which give the one a right unto, and the other a meetness for, the kingdom of heaven: and of this he testified, that it is the kingdom of God, of his preparing and of his giving, and is what he calls his people unto, and makes them meet for; and in which they shall reign with him, and enjoy him for ever: and the apostle could testify and make it evident, that there was such a kingdom, and such a future glorious state; from the promise of God, to which the twelve tribes of Israel hoped to come; from the prophecies of the Old Testament, which speak of everlasting life, and of the resurrection of the dead unto it; from the expectations of the saints of the former dispensation, who all died in the faith of it; and from the coming of the Messiah, his sufferings and death, and ascension to heaven, whereby he had brought life and immortality to the clearest light:

persuading them concerning Jesus;
endeavouring to persuade them, that Jesus was the true Messiah; that he was truly God, and the Son of God, as well as man; that he was born of a virgin, and wrought miracles, and yielded perfect obedience to the law; that he laid down his life as a sacrifice for sin, and to make reconciliation and atonement for it; that he brought in an everlasting righteousness; that he rose again from the dead for justification; that he was ascended up to heaven, and was set down at the right hand of God, where he ever lives to make intercession, and will come again a second time to judge both quick and dead: these are some of "the things concerning Jesus", as the words may be rendered, which the apostle endeavoured to persuade the Jews into a belief of; as also the blessings of grace which come by him, such as peace and pardon through his blood, reconciliation and atonement by his sacrifice, justification by his righteousness, and complete salvation in him: concerning these he persuaded the Jews, setting things in a clear light, using strong arguments to convince them, and giving full proof, as the nature of them would admit of; and which is no other than moral persuasion, and is of itself ineffectual; efficacious persuasion is only of God; it is he that opens the heart to attend to these things, and gives faith to receive and embrace them: however, it is the duty of Gospel ministers to make use of arguments, and by them to endeavour to persuade men of their need of Christ, and of salvation by him, as the apostle did; see ( 2 Corinthians 5:11 ) .

Both out off the law of Moses:
not the law of the ten commandments, given on Mount Sinai to Moses, who delivered it to the children of Israel, and is opposed to the doctrine of grace and truth, which came by Jesus Christ, ( John 1:17 ) ; that accuses and convinces of sin, and pronounces guilty, and curses for it; but does not reveal Jesus Christ as a Saviour from it; no proof can be taken from thence of the things concerning Jesus; but the five books of Moses are here meant, in which he wrote of Christ, as our Lord himself says, ( John 5:46 John 5:47 ) as he did particularly in ( Genesis 3:15 ) ( 49:10 ) ( Deuteronomy 18:15 ) ; also the types and sacrifices, recorded in his writings, might be made use of in proof of Jesus, and the things of him:

and out of the prophets:
such as ( Psalms 22:15 Psalms 22:16 ) ( 16:10 ) ( 68:18 ) ( 110:1 ) ( Isaiah 7:14 ) ( 53:1-12 ) ( Daniel 9:24 Daniel 9:26 ) ( Micah 5:2 ) ( Zechariah 9:9 ) ( 13:7 ) ; with many others: and in this work he continued,

from morning till evening;
not that we are to suppose, that he carried on one continued discourse upon these subjects, without any intermission; but that he was all the day employed, either in expounding: the Scriptures, proving that the kingdom of the Messiah was come, and using strong and persuasive arguments, to show that Jesus was he; or in answering the cavils and objections of the Jews, to what he said.

Actes 28:23 In-Context

21 Ils lui répondirent: Nous n'avons reçu de Judée aucune lettre à ton sujet, et il n'est venu aucun frère qui ait rapporté ou dit du mal de toi.
22 Mais nous voudrions apprendre de toi ce que tu penses, car nous savons que cette secte rencontre partout de l'opposition.
23 Ils lui fixèrent un jour, et plusieurs vinrent le trouver dans son logis. Paul leur annonça le royaume de Dieu, en rendant témoignage, et en cherchant, par la loi de Moïse et par les prophètes, à les persuader de ce qui concerne Jésus. L'entretien dura depuis le matin jusqu'au soir.
24 Les uns furent persuadés par ce qu'il disait, et les autres ne crurent point.
25 Comme ils se retiraient en désaccord, Paul n'ajouta que ces mots: C'est avec raison que le Saint-Esprit, parlant à vos pères par le prophète Esaïe,
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