Apocalypse 3:16

16 Ainsi, parce que tu es tiède, et que tu n'es ni froid ni bouillant, je te vomirai de ma bouche.

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Apocalypse 3:16 Meaning and Commentary

Revelation 3:16

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,
&c.] A lukewarm professor is one that serves God and mammon; that halts between two opinions, and knows not what religion is best, and cares little for any, yet keeps in a round of duty, though indifferent to it, and contents himself with it; and is un concerned about the life and power of godliness, and takes up with the external form of it; and has no thought about the glory of God, the interest of Christ and truth; and this was too much the case of this church, at least of a great number of its members; wherefore it was very loathsome to Christ, hence he threatens:

I will spew thee out of my mouth;
this shows how nauseous lukewarmness is to Christ, insomuch that on account of it he would not own and acknowledge her as his; but even cast her out, unchurch her, and have no more any such imperfect church state upon earth, as he afterwards never will, this is the last; nor is there any church state, or any remains of one in Laodicea; it is indeed quite uninhabited.

Apocalypse 3:16 In-Context

14 Ecris à l'ange de l'Eglise de Laodicée: Voici ce que dit l'Amen, le témoin fidèle et véritable, le commencement de la création de Dieu:
15 Je connais tes oeuvres. Je sais que tu n'es ni froid ni bouillant. Puisses-tu être froid ou bouillant!
16 Ainsi, parce que tu es tiède, et que tu n'es ni froid ni bouillant, je te vomirai de ma bouche.
17 Parce que tu dis: Je suis riche, je me suis enrichi, et je n'ai besoin de rien, et parce que tu ne sais pas que tu es malheureux, misérable, pauvre, aveugle et nu,
18 je te conseille d'acheter de moi de l'or éprouvé par le feu, afin que tu deviennes riche, et des vêtements blancs, afin que tu sois vêtu et que la honte de ta nudité ne paraisse pas, et un collyre pour oindre tes yeux, afin que tu voies.
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