Ecclésiaste 7:7

7 L'oppression rend insensé le sage, et les présents corrompent le coeur.

Ecclésiaste 7:7 Meaning and Commentary

Ecclesiastes 7:7

Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad
Which is to be understood either passively, when he is oppressed by others, or sees others oppressed; it raises indignation in him, disturbs his mind, and he is ready to pass a wrong judgment on the dispensations of Providence, and to say rash and unadvised things concerning them, ( Psalms 73:2 Psalms 73:3 Psalms 73:12-14 ) ; or actively, of oppression with which he oppresses others; when he gives into such measures, his wisdom departs from him, his mind is besotted, he acts the part of a madman, and pierces himself through with many sorrows. Some understand this of wealth got in an ill way; or of gifts given to bribe men to do injury to others; and which the following clause is thought to explain; and a gift destroyeth the heart;
blinds the eyes of judges other ways wise; perverts their judgment, and causes them to pass a wrong sentence, as well as perverts justice: or, "and destroys the heart of gifts" F11; a heart that is possessed of the gifts of wisdom and knowledge; or a munificent heart, a heart disposed to give bountifully and liberally, that oppression destroys and renders useless.


F11 (hntm bl ta dbayw) "et frangit cor dotibus praeclaris ornatum", Tigurine version; so some Jewish writers in Mercerus.

Ecclésiaste 7:7 In-Context

5 Mieux vaut entendre la réprimande du sage que d'entendre le chant des insensés.
6 Car comme le bruit des épines sous la chaudière, ainsi est le rire des insensés. C'est encore là une vanité.
7 L'oppression rend insensé le sage, et les présents corrompent le coeur.
8 Mieux vaut la fin d'une chose que son commencement; mieux vaut un esprit patient qu'un esprit hautain.
9 Ne te hâte pas en ton esprit de t'irriter, car l'irritation repose dans le sein des insensés.
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