Ésaïe 40:16

16 Le Liban ne suffit pas pour le feu, Et ses animaux ne suffisent pas pour l'holocauste.

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Ésaïe 40:16 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 40:16

And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn
The trees of it, as the Targum; these are not sufficient to burn a sacrifice with, suitable to the dignity and majesty of God, and as his justice can require for offences committed: nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering,
though it was a mountain and forest which abounded with trees, and especially cedars, and there was a great quantity of cattle in it, yet neither were sufficient to furnish out a proper burnt offering to the Lord; he only himself could provide a Lamb sufficient for a burnt offering, and he has done it, the only begotten Son of God; he has offered himself an offering and a sacrifice to God, of a sweet smelling savour, by which he has put away sin, and made full atonement for it, Jarchi thinks this is said to aggravate the sins of men, of the wicked, which were so great, that Lebanon with all its wood and cattle could not furnish out a sacrifice sufficient to expiate them.

Ésaïe 40:16 In-Context

14 Avec qui a-t-il délibéré pour en recevoir de l'instruction? Qui lui a appris le sentier de la justice? Qui lui a enseigné la sagesse, Et fait connaître le chemin de l'intelligence?
15 Voici, les nations sont comme une goutte d'un seau, Elles sont comme de la poussière sur une balance; Voici, les îles sont comme une fine poussière qui s'envole.
16 Le Liban ne suffit pas pour le feu, Et ses animaux ne suffisent pas pour l'holocauste.
17 Toutes les nations sont devant lui comme un rien, Elles ne sont pour lui que néant et vanité.
18 A qui voulez-vous comparer Dieu? Et quelle image ferez-vous son égale?
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