Ésaïe 41:8

8 Mais toi, Israël, mon serviteur, Jacob, que j'ai choisi, Race d'Abraham que j'ai aimé!

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Ésaïe 41:8 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 41:8

But thou, Israel, art my servant
As the great spread and success of the Gospel could not fail of drawing the resentment of the idolatrous Heathens on those who embraced and professed it, and by whom they were grievously persecuted under the Roman emperors; wherefore, to support them under these trials, the Lord speaks these and the following comfortable words unto them; for not carnal, but spiritual Israel are here meant; such who by the power of divine grace were turned from idols to serve the living God, who were made willing to become his servants, and whose honour it was to be so called and accounted; and being so, they might be assured their Lord and Master would protect and defend them, bless and reward them: Jacob whom I have chosen;
Israelites indeed, Jacob like, plain hearted men, wrestling and prevailing ones in prayer with God, whom he chose to be his people, and peculiar treasure; who, though disallowed of men, were like their Lord and Saviour, chosen of God, and precious: the seed of Abraham my friend:
the spiritual seed of Abraham, being believers in Christ, and friends of his, as Abraham was; and whom he uses and shows to be such, by disclosing his secrets to them, ( John 15:15 ) .

Ésaïe 41:8 In-Context

6 Ils s'aident l'un l'autre, Et chacun dit à son frère: Courage!
7 Le sculpteur encourage le fondeur; Celui qui polit au marteau encourage celui qui frappe sur l'enclume; Il dit de la soudure: Elle est bonne! Et il fixe l'idole avec des clous, pour qu'elle ne branle pas.
8 Mais toi, Israël, mon serviteur, Jacob, que j'ai choisi, Race d'Abraham que j'ai aimé!
9 Toi, que j'ai pris aux extrémités de la terre, Et que j'ai appelé d'une contrée lointaine, A qui j'ai dit: Tu es mon serviteur, Je te choisis, et ne te rejette point!
10 Ne crains rien, car je suis avec toi; Ne promène pas des regards inquiets, car je suis ton Dieu; Je te fortifie, je viens à ton secours, Je te soutiens de ma droite triomphante.
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