Ésaïe 43:13

13 Je le suis dès le commencement, Et nul ne délivre de ma main; J'agirai: qui s'y opposera?

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Ésaïe 43:13 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 43:13

Yea, before the day was I am he
Before there was a day, before the first day of the creation; that is, before time was, or from all eternity, I am he that resolved upon and contrived this method of saving men; "and ever since that day was" F11, as it may be rendered, I am he that have spoken of it by all the prophets, from the beginning of the world, and now it is accomplished: and there is none can deliver out of my hand:
either such whom the Lord determines to punish, or such whom he resolves to save; none can snatch them out of his hands, there they are safe: I will work, and who shall let it?
as when he wrought the work of creation, there was no opposition to it, or hinderance of him; and in providence all things are done as be pleases; so all his purposes and decrees, which are his works within him, are exactly accomplished according to his pleasure, and none can resist his will. The work of redemption is finished just according to the draught of it in his eternal mind; and when he works upon the heart of a sinner at conversion, whatever obstructions and difficulties are in the way, these are removed, and the work is begun, and carried on, and performed, until the day of Christ. The work of the Lord in his churches, and the setting up of his kingdom in the world, in a more visible and glorious manner, shall be done, and none will be able to hinder it: who can turn it back?
either his work, or his hand in working; his purposes cannot be disannulled; his power cannot be controlled; his work cannot be made void, or of no effect; he always succeeds, for he has no superior that can obstruct him.


F11 (awh yna Mwym) "ex quo dies [fuit]", Gataker; "ex quo dies esse coepit", Vatablus; "inde a tempore diei", Piscator. (awh) "Hu", may be considered here as one of the names of God, who from eternity to eternity is, (autov) , "he", the same yesterday, today, and for ever.

Ésaïe 43:13 In-Context

11 C'est moi, moi qui suis l'Eternel, Et hors moi il n'y a point de sauveur.
12 C'est moi qui ai annoncé, sauvé, prédit, Ce n'est point parmi vous un dieu étranger; Vous êtes mes témoins, dit l'Eternel, C'est moi qui suis Dieu.
13 Je le suis dès le commencement, Et nul ne délivre de ma main; J'agirai: qui s'y opposera?
14 Ainsi parle l'Eternel, Votre rédempteur, le Saint d'Israël: A cause de vous, j'envoie l'ennemi contre Babylone, Et je fais descendre tous les fuyards, Même les Chaldéens, sur les navires dont ils tiraient gloire.
15 Je suis l'Eternel, votre Saint, Le créateur d'Israël, votre roi.
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