Hébreux 12:12

12 Fortifiez donc vos mains languissantes Et vos genoux affaiblis;

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Hébreux 12:12 Meaning and Commentary

Ver. 12 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down
These words may be considered as spoken to the Hebrews, with respect to themselves; accordingly, the Syriac version reads, "your hands", and "your knees"; who were sluggish, and inactive in prayer, in hearing the word, in attendance on ordinances, in holding fast their profession, and in the performance of those things which adorn it; they were weary and fatigued with weights and burdens of sins and afflictions; and were faint, fearful, and timorous, through distrust of the promised good, because of their persecutions, being in present distress, and in a view of approaching danger, with which they might be surprised, as well as affected with their present afflictions: and then the exhortation to "lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees", is to be active in every duty; to be courageous against every enemy: to bear patiently every burden; to take heart, and be of good cheer under every afflictive providence: or else they may be considered as an exhortation to them with respect to others, which seems to be most agreeable to ( Isaiah 35:3 ) from whence they are taken; and then what is signified in them is done by sympathizing with persons in distress; by speaking comfortably to them, and by bearing their burdens.

Hébreux 12:12 In-Context

10 Nos pères nous châtiaient pour peu de jours, comme ils le trouvaient bon; mais Dieu nous châtie pour notre bien, afin que nous participions à sa sainteté.
11 Il est vrai que tout châtiment semble d'abord un sujet de tristesse, et non de joie; mais il produit plus tard pour ceux qui ont été ainsi exercés un fruit paisible de justice.
12 Fortifiez donc vos mains languissantes Et vos genoux affaiblis;
13 et suivez avec vos pieds des voies droites, afin que ce qui est boiteux ne dévie pas, mais plutôt se raffermisse.
14 Recherchez la paix avec tous, et la sanctification, sans laquelle personne ne verra le Seigneur.
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