Hébreux 12:20

20 car ils ne supportaient pas cette déclaration: Si même une bête touche la montagne, elle sera lapidée.

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Hébreux 12:20 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 12:20

For they could not endure that which was commanded
In the law; not that they disliked and despised the law, as unregenerate men do; but they could not endure it, or bear it, as a yoke, it being a yoke of bondage; nor as a covenant of works, it requiring perfect obedience, but giving no strength to perform; and as it showed them their sins, but did not direct them to a Saviour; as it was an accusing, cursing, and condemning law; and, as a fiery one, revealing wrath, and filling the conscience with it; unless this should have any respect to the following edict, more particularly:

and if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned or
thrust through with a dart;
and, if a beast, much more a man: and, how easily, through inadvertence, might this be done? and how terrible was the punishment? nothing less than death, by stoning, or being shot: and this they could not bear to hear, or think of: the last clause, "or thrust through with a dart", is wanting in the Alexandrian and Beza's Claromontane copies, in the Vulgate Latin, and all the Oriental versions; and yet is necessary to be retained, being in the original text, in ( Exodus 19:12 Exodus 19:13 ) .

Hébreux 12:20 In-Context

18 Vous ne vous êtes pas approchés d'une montagne qu'on pouvait toucher et qui était embrasée par le feu, ni de la nuée, ni des ténèbres, ni de la tempête,
19 ni du retentissement de la trompette, ni du bruit des paroles, tel que ceux qui l'entendirent demandèrent qu'il ne leur en fût adressé aucune de plus,
20 car ils ne supportaient pas cette déclaration: Si même une bête touche la montagne, elle sera lapidée.
21 Et ce spectacle était si terrible que Moïse dit: Je suis épouvanté et tout tremblant!
22 Mais vous vous êtes approchés de la montagne de Sion, de la cité du Dieu vivant, la Jérusalem céleste, des myriades qui forment le choeur des anges,
The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.