Hébreux 12:24

24 de Jésus qui est le médiateur de la nouvelle alliance, et du sang de l'aspersion qui parle mieux que celui d'Abel.

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Hébreux 12:24 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 12:24

And to Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant
Of the new covenant, and, of Christ's being the Mediator of it, (See Gill on Hebrews 8:6). (See Gill on Hebrews 8:8). Coming to Christ is by faith; and is different from a corporeal coming to him in the days of his flesh; and from an outward attendance on ordinances; it is a coming to him under a sense of want, and upon a sight of fulness; and is the produce of God's efficacious grace; and souls must come to Christ as naked sinners; and without a Mediator, without anything of their own to ingratiate them; and it is free to all sensible sinners to come to him, and is the great privilege of saints: it is the blessing of blessings; such are safe, and settled, and at peace, who are come to Jesus; they can want no good thing, for all are theirs; they have free access to God through him, and a right to all privileges:

and to the blood of sprinkling:
that is, the blood of Christ; so called, either in allusion to the blood of the passover, which was received in a basin, and with a bunch of hyssop was sprinkled upon the lintel and two side posts of the doors of the houses, in which the Israelites were; which being looked upon by Jehovah, he passed over them, and all were safe within, so that the destroyer did not touch them, when the firstborn in Egypt were destroyed, ( Exodus 12:1-49 ) which is the case of all such as are sprinkled with the blood of Jesus: or else to the blood of the covenant, sprinkled by Moses on the book, and on all the people, ( Exodus 24:8 ) or to the several sprinklings of blood in the legal sacrifices: and the phrase may denote the application of Christ's blood to his people, for justification, pardon, and cleansing, which is their great mercy and privilege:

that speaketh better things than that of Abel;
either "than Abel", as the Vulgate Latin, and Syriac versions render it, who being dead, yet speaks; and who was a type of Christ in his death, and the punishment of it; for as he was slain by his own brother, who was punished for it, so Christ was put to death by his own nation and people, the Jews, for which wrath is come upon them to the uttermost: but the efficacy of Christ's blood for the procuring pardon, peace, reconciliation, and the redemption and purchase of his church and people, shows him to be greater than Abel; and it speaks better things than he did, or does: or else, "than the blood of Abel", as the Arabic version renders it; Abel's blood cried for vengeance; Christ's blood cries for peace and pardon, both in the court of heaven, where it is pleaded by Christ, and in the court of conscience, where it is sprinkled by his spirit: or than the sprinkling of the blood of Abel's sacrifice, or than Abel's sacrifice; which was the first blood that was sprinkled in that way, and the first sacrifice mentioned that was offered up by faith, and was typical of Christ's; but then Christ's sacrifice itself is better than that; and the sprinkling of his blood, to which believers may continually apply for their justification, remission, and purgation, and by which they have entrance into the holiest of all, is of greater efficacy than the sprinkling of blood in Abel's sacrifice; and calls for and procures better things than that did; which sense may the rather be chosen, since the apostle's view, in this epistle, is to show the superior excellency of Christ's sacrifice to all others, even to the more excellent of them, as Abel's was, ( Hebrews 11:4 ) .

Hébreux 12:24 In-Context

22 Mais vous vous êtes approchés de la montagne de Sion, de la cité du Dieu vivant, la Jérusalem céleste, des myriades qui forment le choeur des anges,
23 de l'assemblée des premiers-nés inscrits dans les cieux, du juge qui est le Dieu de tous, des esprits des justes parvenus à la perfection,
24 de Jésus qui est le médiateur de la nouvelle alliance, et du sang de l'aspersion qui parle mieux que celui d'Abel.
25 Gardez-vous de refuser d'entendre celui qui parle; car si ceux-là n'ont pas échappé qui refusèrent d'entendre celui qui publiait les oracles sur la terre, combien moins échapperons-nous, si nous nous détournons de celui qui parle du haut des cieux,
26 lui, dont la voix alors ébranla la terre, et qui maintenant a fait cette promesse: Une fois encore j'ébranlerai non seulement la terre, mais aussi le ciel.
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