Jean 11:49

49 L'un d'eux, Caïphe, qui était souverain sacrificateur cette année-là, leur dit: Vous n'y entendez rien;

Images for Jean 11:49

Jean 11:49 Meaning and Commentary

John 11:49

And one of them, [named] Caiaphas
(See Gill on Matthew 26:3), (See Gill on Luke 3:2), (See Gill on John 18:13).

being the high priest that same year;
the high priesthood originally was not annual, but for life; but towards the close of the second temple, it came into the hands of the king, to appoint who would to be high priest F15; and it became venal; it was purchased with money; insomuch that they changed the priesthood once a twelve month, and every year a new high priest was made F16 now this man being in such an high office, and a man of no conscience, and of bad principles, being a Sadducee, as seems from ( Acts 4:6 ) ( 5:17 ) , who denied the resurrection of the dead, and was unconcerned about a future state; and having no restraint upon him, in a bold, haughty, and blustering manner,

said unto them, ye know nothing at all;
ye are a parcel of ignorant and stupid creatures, mere fools and idiots, to sit disputing and arguing, pro and con about such a fellow as this; what is to be done is obvious enough, and that is to take away this man's life, without any more ado; it matters not what he is, nor what he does; these are things that are not to be considered, they are out of the question; would you save the nation, destroy the man; things are come to this crisis, that either his life must go, or the nation perish; and which is most expedient, requires no time to debate about.


F15 Misn. Yebamot, c. 6. sect. 4.
F16 T. Bab. Yoma, fol. 8. 2. Juchasin, fol. 139. 1.

Jean 11:49 In-Context

47 Alors les principaux sacrificateurs et les pharisiens assemblèrent le sanhédrin, et dirent: Que ferons-nous? Car cet homme fait beaucoup de miracles.
48 Si nous le laissons faire, tous croiront en lui, et les Romains viendront détruire et notre ville et notre nation.
49 L'un d'eux, Caïphe, qui était souverain sacrificateur cette année-là, leur dit: Vous n'y entendez rien;
50 vous ne réfléchissez pas qu'il est dans votre intérêt qu'un seul homme meure pour le peuple, et que la nation entière ne périsse pas.
51 Or, il ne dit pas cela de lui-même; mais étant souverain sacrificateur cette année-là, il prophétisa que Jésus devait mourir pour la nation.
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