Job 18:5

5 La lumière du méchant s'éteindra, Et la flamme qui en jaillit cessera de briller.

Job 18:5 Meaning and Commentary

Job 18:5

Yea, the light of the wicked shall be put out
Or "nevertheless" F13; notwithstanding all this disregard and inattention to us, and contempt of us, and all the rage, and wrath, and pride, and haughtiness discovered, as if the laws of nature, and stated methods of Providence, must all give way to justify a man in such circumstances as show him to be wicked; this will certainly be his case, his "light shall be put out"; meaning not the light of his eyes, or his corporeal light, which sometimes has been the case of wicked men, as was of the Sodomites, since this, through accident, or old age, is common to good and bad then; but rather moral light, the light of nature, with which every man is enlightened that comes into the world; by which he can discern things natural and civil, and in some degree things moral and religious, though in a very dim manner; and which, when it is abused, may be taken away, and men be given up to judicial blindness, and to a reprobate mind, a mind void of sense and judgment. Cocceius thinks light of doctrine may be intended, speculative and notional light and knowledge of divine things, as of God, and his perfections, which may be more clearly discerned by revelation than by the light of nature; and of Christ, his person, offices, and grace; and of the Gospel, and each of the doctrines of it, which men may be enlightened into, and yet be wicked men, as Balsam, and others; which knowledge may be lost, and light put out, as in the man that had but one talent, and neglected it, and in the idle shepherd, ( Matthew 25:29 ) ( Zechariah 11:17 ) ; to which may be added the light of joy, or a flash of natural affections that sometimes is to be observed in hypocritical persons, or notional professors, which in time is lost, and comes to nothing, as in Herod and the stony ground hearers, ( Mark 6:20 ) ( Matthew 13:20 ) ; but as for the true spiritual light, and experimental knowledge, that can never be lost or put out, but shines more and more unto the perfect day: but it seems best by "light" here to understand outward prosperity, for as darkness is often put for adversity, so light for prosperity in civil things, see ( Esther 8:16 ) ; but then, though this in wicked men is often put out, and they are reduced to distressed circumstances, yet not always; and it sometimes is the case of good men, and was the case of Job, which Bildad had his eye upon, see ( Job 29:2 Job 29:3 ) ;

and the spark of his fire shall not shine;
all his carnal reasonings, the effects of the light of nature, and all his schemes, especially religious ones built upon them, shall all come to nothing, and be of no effect or use unto him, see ( Isaiah 50:11 ) ; or the sense is, that he shall be reduced to so low a condition in things civil, that he shall have no light nor heat, nor joy and comfort, in this sense; no, not so much as a spark of outward happiness shall be left him.


F13 (Mg) "attamen, nihilominus", Cocceius, Schultens; so the Targum.
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Job 18:5 In-Context

3 Pourquoi sommes-nous regardés comme des bêtes? Pourquoi ne sommes-nous à vos yeux que des brutes?
4 O toi qui te déchires dans ta fureur, Faut-il, à cause de toi, que la terre devienne déserte? Faut-il que les rochers disparaissent de leur place?
5 La lumière du méchant s'éteindra, Et la flamme qui en jaillit cessera de briller.
6 La lumière s'obscurcira sous sa tente, Et sa lampe au-dessus de lui s'éteindra.
7 Ses pas assurés seront à l'étroit; Malgré ses efforts, il tombera.
The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.
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